Todo List: Mono removal

2019-11-02 - André Silva

Mono encourages nonfree software patents via the use of C# and was recommended by the community to be removed. Removal will also help keep our system more minimalist which helps in future development.

Further details:

The following packages have dependencies with mono:

* boo
* dbus-sharp
* fsharp
* gettext-mono
* gtk-sharp-2
* gtk-sharp-3
* ironpython
* keepass
* log4net
* mono-addins
* mono-basic
* mono-debugger
* mono-zeroconf
* nini
* nuget
* openbve
* openra
* taglib-sharp
* uwsgi-plugin-mono
* xsp
* avahi (optional)
* diffoscope (optional)
* graphviz (optional)
* haxe (optional)
* avahi (make)
* graphviz (make)
* gtk-sharp-2 (requires monodoc) (make)
* lib32-libappindicator (make)
* libappindicator (make)
* mod_proxy_uwsgi (make)
* python2-libappindicator (make)
* uwsgi (make)
* diffoscope (check)
* meson (check)

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