Todo List: Java removal

2019-02-06 - Márcio Silva

Removal reasons:
* Trademark: OpenJDK is trademarked and is not to be distributed without modification unless all branding is removed.
* Security: Java has been one of the most common infection vectors for GNU/Linux. Poor coding practices in JVM have resulted in many popular cross-platform exploits.
* Packaging Standards: All current PKGBUILDs that were inherited from Arch are "dirty" in the sense that they download various pre-compiled and pre-packaged binaries. These are a risk to our users. To properly build them requires several hundred additional PKGBUILDs and the time to rebuild Java from scratch. This would require considerable effort and is not currently feesable at this time.

Further details:
* Java security:
* Criticism of Java:
* OpenJDK Trademark Notice:
* Cat-v.ORG's article:

Rebuild without Java:
* anjuta /usr/share/anjuta/templates/java/src/
* arduino (needs rebuild firmware - Wifi101)
* awstats
* bazel
* bigloo /usr/bin/jigloo.class
* bison /usr/share/bison/
* cordova
* dart
* elasticsearch (build with other language:
* emscripten
* erlang
* erlang-nox
* facter /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/facter.jar
* fpc-src
* gambas3-ide
* geany
* gettext /usr/share/gettext/javaversion.class
* gitlab /usr/share/webapps/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/http_parser.rb-0.6.0/ext/ruby_http_parser/vendor/http-parser-java/ext/primitives.jar
* gpsbabel
* kdelibs /usr/share/apps/kjava/kjava.jar
* khtml /usr/share/kf5/kjava/kjava.jar
* kodi-dev /usr/share/doc/kodi/kodi-eventclients-dev/examples/java/
* kompozer
* kompozer-i18n-*
* lazarus /usr/lib/lazarus/examples/androidlcl/android/src/com/pascal/lcltest/
* libbluray /usr/share/java/libbluray-j2se-1.0.0.jar
* libjpeg-turbo /usr/share/classes/turbojpeg.jar
* libreoffice-still
* libreoffice-still-l10n-*
* libreoffice-still-sdk
* metasploit
* moinmoin
* nim /usr/share/nim/doc/examples/cross_calculator/android/src/com/github/nimrod/crosscalculator/
* nodejs-emojione
* pfff
* phonegap
* polymake /usr/lib/polymake/jars/polymake_java.jar
* portmidi /usr/share/java/pmdefaults.jar
* python2-pygame /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygame/examples/macosx/aliens_app_example/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/
* qbs
* qt5-examples /usr/share/doc/qt/examples/androidextras/notification/android-sources/src/org/qtproject/example/notification/
* qtcreator /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/files/java/
* r /usr/share/R/java/getsp.class
* rubinius (json)
* ruby (json)
* ruby-eventmachine
* ruby-hitimes
* ruby-nio4r
* ruby2.3
* sage-notebook /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagenb/data/sage3d/lib/sage3d.jar
* source-highlight
* spring
* subversion /usr/lib/svn-javahl/svn-javahl.jar
* texlive-core
* texlive-htmlxml /usr/share/texmf-dist/tex4ht/bin/tex4ht.jar
* texlive-latexextra /usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/pax/pax.jar
* umbrello /usr/share/umbrello5/headings/
* unifi (needs rebuild firmware - nonfree?)
* vagrant (erubis)
* vtk /usr/share/java/vtk/vtk.jar
* vtk6 (replace with vtk) /opt/vtk6/share/java/vtk/vtk.jar
* wxpython /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Editra/tests/syntax/
* xmlstarlet
* zsh /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_java
* zsh-completions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_archlinux-java

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