Package Todo Lists
Todo lists are used by the developers when a rebuild of a set of packages is needed. This is common when a library has a version bump, during a toolchain rebuild, or a general cleanup of packages in the repositories. The progress can be tracked here, and completed todo lists can be browsed as well.
Name | Creation Date | Creator | Description | Package Count | Incomplete Count | Status |
Mono removal | 2019-11-02 | André Silva | Mono encourages nonfree software patents via the use of C# and was recommended by the community to be removed. Removal will also help keep our system more minimalist which helps in future development. Further details: * * * The following packages have dependencies with mono: * boo * dbus-sharp * fsharp * gettext-mono * gtk-sharp-2 * gtk-sharp-3 * ironpython * keepass * log4net * mono-addins * mono-basic * mono-debugger * mono-zeroconf * nini * nuget * openbve * openra * taglib-sharp * uwsgi-plugin-mono * xsp * avahi (optional) * diffoscope (optional) * graphviz (optional) * haxe (optional) * avahi (make) * graphviz (make) * gtk-sharp-2 (requires monodoc) (make) * lib32-libappindicator (make) * libappindicator (make) * mod_proxy_uwsgi (make) * python2-libappindicator (make) * uwsgi (make) * diffoscope (check) * meson (check) | 0 | 0 | Complete |
SQLite 2 removal | 2019-06-15 | Márcio Silva | Packages to removal: * sqlite2 * gambas3-gb-db-sqlite2 * perl-dbd-sqlite2 * python2-pysqlite-legacy Packages to rebuild: * freevo * gambas3 * libdbi-drivers | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Add Busybox as an alternative Coreutils and others software | 2019-05-30 | Márcio Silva | Add Busybox as an alternative Coreutils and others software (add busybox-base group): * busybox (retain this package) * busybox-acpid (as acpid) * busybox-ash (as sh) * busybox-awk (as awk) * busybox-binutils (as binutils) * busybox-bridge-utils (as bridge-utils) * busybox-bzip2 (as bzip2) * busybox-coreutils (as coreutils) * busybox-findutils (as findutils) * busybox-grep (as grep) * busybox-gzip (as gzip) * busybox-inetutils (as inetutils) * busybox-init (as init) * busybox-iputils (as iputils) * busybox-kbd (as kbd) * busybox-less (as less) * busybox-net-tools (as net-tools) * busybox-procps (as procs-ng) * busybox-sed (as sed) * busybox-shadow (as shadow) * busybox-syslog (as syslog) * busybox-unzip (as unzip) * busybox-usleep (as usleep) * busybox-util-linux (as util-linux) * busybox-vi (as vi) * busybox-wget (as wget) * busybox-which (as which) * busybox-whois (as whois) * busybox-xz (as xz) | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Add "s6" as an alternative service management | 2019-05-30 | Márcio Silva | Add "s6" as an alternative service management (Add s6-base group): * bcnm * pamela * execline * s6 {s6,s6-log,s6-sudo} * s6-dns * s6-linux-init (init for GNU/Linux) * s6-linux-utils {s6-linux-utils,s6-chroot,s6-hostname,s6-ps} (coreutils chroot, inetutils hostname, procps-ng ps and util-linux mount/swapon/swapoff/umount) * s6-networking * s6-portable-utils {s6-portable-utils,s6-grep,s6-rename} (most software for coreutils, grep and util-linux rename) * s6-rc * skabus * skalibs * utmps * nsss | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Add GNU Shepherd as an alternative service management | 2019-05-30 | Márcio Silva | Add GNU Shepherd as an alternative service management: * shepherd * shepherd-sysvcompat Move to [core] packages: * guile Add "gnu-base" group packages: * coreutils * grep * guile * inetutils * shepherd * shepherd-sysvcompat | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Rebuild packages with Qt5 WebKit NG | 2019-05-28 | Márcio Silva | Hyperbola packages: (* mark package as qt5-webkit-ng deps from Hyperbola) (@ mark package as qt5-webkit deps from Arch) (# mark package as qt5-webengine deps from Arch) --- *@ apitrace (optional, makedeps) * #bibletime *@ calibre *@#calligra #canorus * deepin-qml-widgets *@#eric *@ gambas3 (makedeps) *@ gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit *@ goldendict *@ k3b * kadu #kbibtex *@ kchmviewer #kde-development-environment-meta * kdenlive #kdeplasma-addons (optional, makedeps) * kdevplatform #kdevelop *@ kdewebkit *@ kexi (optional, makedeps) kio-gdrive (Arch only: libkapi deps) kmailtransport (Arch only: libkapi deps) #konqueror @ libalkimia @ libkgeomap * #libksysguard *@ liteide *@#luminancehdr * #marble (makedeps) * #marble-common * merkaartor * #musescore * mythtv *@ notepadqq *@ openshot *@ owncloud-client #parley * phantomjs * plasma-sdk (makedeps) *@ pyqt5-common (optional, makedeps) #python-pyface (Arch only: python-pyqtwebengine optional) *@ python-pyqt5 (optional, makedeps) #python-qtpy (Arch only: python-pyqtwebengine optional) *@#python2-eric #python2-pyface (Arch only: python2-pyqtwebengine optional) *@ python2-pyqt5 (optional, makedeps) #python2-qtpy (Arch only: python2-pyqtwebengine optional) * qlandkartegt @#qmapshack *@ qmc2 *@ qt5-tools (optional, makedeps) #qtcreator * #quassel-client (makedeps) * #quassel-client-small (makedeps) * #quassel-core (makedeps) * #quassel-monolithic (makedeps) *@ qutebrowser *@ recoll *@ retext (optional) *@ rocs *@ sigil *@ signon-ui * #skrooge smplayer (Arch only: smtube optional) *@ spyder (spyder2 in Arch; nodejs deps?) *@ spyder3 (nodejs deps?) *@ subsurface-marble (subsurface in Arch) * #supercollider telepathy-kde-meta (Arch only: telepathy-kde-text-ui) * texmaker *@ trojita *@ umbrello *@ vtk (optional, makedeps) * vtk6 (makedeps) *@ wkhtmltopdf *@ zeal --- Packages (searched from Arch) not found or removed; due: * Nonfree, not secured and not privacy qt5-webengine package depends. * New package. * Nonfree package and/or nonfree package depends. * Not privacy software and/or not privacy software depends. * Not secure software and/or not secure software depends. (! mark package as removed from Hyperbola) (% mark package as removed from Hyperbola by qt5-webengine only) (@ mark package as qt5-webkit deps from Arch) (# mark package as qt5-webengine deps from Arch) --- !@ acetoneiso2 #anki #babe #clipgrab #falkon #fcitx5-chinese-addons % #fcitx-libpinyin #gammaray (optional, makedeps) % #kalgebra kdeedu-meta (kalgebra deps) #kube ! #libkgapi #nextcloud-client @#otter-browser @ otter-browser-nowebengine #psi psi-nowebengine ! #pyqtwebengine-common (makedeps) #pyside2 (optional, makedeps) ! #python-pyqtwebengine (makedeps) ! #python2-pyqtwebengine (makedeps) @ qgis ! #qt5-webview @ quiterss #radare2-cutter #rssguard rssguard-nowebengine @ shotcut !@ smtube % #telepathy-kde-text-ui % #wiznote --- | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Rename "nox" to "headless" packages | 2019-05-28 | Márcio Silva | Rename "nox" to "headless" packages that is the correct name for packages without graphical user interface support. "nox" suffix is incorrect because Hyperbola supports Wayland too, not only Xenocara. Packages to rename: * emacs-nox > emacs-headless * erlang-nox > erlang-headless * qbittorrent-nox > qbittorrent-headless | 0 | 0 | Complete |
libatasmart removal | 2019-05-28 | Márcio Silva | remove: libatasmart rebuild: mate-sensors-applet sensors-applet udisks2 collectd | 0 | 0 | Complete |
libdaemon removal | 2019-05-27 | Márcio Silva | Useless ifplugd package, linux-libre kernel manages network interfaces automatically. * avahi (see: * ifplugd (remove) * libdaemon (remove) * libteam (libdaemon depends) * netifrc (ifplugd optional depends) * openrc-settingsd (remove) | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Remove unsecure protocols | 2019-05-27 | Márcio Silva | Remove unsecure protocols: * perl-net-telnet (remove package) --- * arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-gcc (rebuild package - inetutils as check depends) * chicken (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * crystal (rebuild package - inetutils as check depends) * cups (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * cvs (rebuild package - inetutils as optional depends) * fish (rebuild package - inetutils as depends) * gcc (rebuild package - inetutils as check depends) * gnome-nettool (rebuild package - iputils as depends) * grml-zsh-config (rebuild package - inetutils as depends) * icedove-uxp (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * iceweasel-uxp (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * inetutils (rebuild without {rcp,{ftp,r{exec,login,sh},t{alk,elnet,ftp}}{,d}}; separate to packages: inetutils{,-{iputils,syslog,traceroute}}) * iputils (rebuild without tftp) * libcups (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * linux-libre-lts (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * mariadb (rebuild package - inetutils as depends) * monitoring-plugins (rebuild package - inetutils and iputils as make depends) * ncftp (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * netifrc (rebuild package - iputils as optional depends) * netsurf (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * openmpi (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * perl-sys-hostname-long (rebuild package - inetutils as check depends) * powerdns-recursor (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * putty (rebuild package - disable/remove telnet and rlogin protocols) * python-prctl (rebuild package - iputils as check depends) * seabios (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * syncthing (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * smokeping (rebuild package - remove telnet (and others?) protocol - perl-net-telnet as depends) * wicd (rebuild package - inetutils as make depends) * xorg-xinit (rebuild package - inetutils as depends) * xtensa-unknown-elf-gcc (rebuild package - inetutils as check depends) * ypserv (rebuild package - inetutils as depends) | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Avahi removal | 2019-05-27 | Márcio Silva | remove: * avahi * mod_dnssd * mono-zeroconf * pulseaudio-zeroconf * python2-pybonjour rebuild (avahi as deps): * ario * distcc * efl * ekiga * gnome-user-share (mod_dnssd as deps) * gnustep-base * gvfs * kdnssd * libcups (and as makedeps) * libdmapsharing * libepc * libvirt * mate-user-share (mod_dnssd as deps) * mpd * mumble * murmur * mythtv * remmina (and as makedeps) * sane * shairport-sync * synergy * telepathy-salut * vinagre * vino * x11vnc rebuild (avahi as optional): * bigloo (and as makedeps) * libinfinity * libpurple (and as makedeps) * shairplay * vlc (and as makedeps) * xmms2 (and as makedeps) rebuild (avahi as makedeps): * cups * finch * kdelibs * libpulse * pidgin * pulseaudio | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Node.js removal | 2019-05-20 | André Silva | As Node.js has history of malware in hosted packages and doesn't support LibreSSL, we have decided to blacklist it. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild or removed. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on Node.js. Blacklisting process: Further details: [ ] = remove package [*] = build package without nodejs or related-nodejs dependencies [#] = build package by removing nodejs or related-nodejs optional dependencies packages: * [ ] acorn * [ ] apm * [ ] asar * [ ] babel-cli * [ ] bower * [ ] browserify * [*] cantor (sagemath optdeps) * [ ] cjdns * [ ] cldr-emoji-annotation (only useful with nodejs-emojione) * [ ] coffee-script * [ ] cordova * [ ] emscripten * [ ] eslint * [ ] fluid (fluid; nodejs-material-design-icons makedeps) * [ ] gitlab (gitlab; nodejs deps) * [ ] gitlab-runner (gitlab; independent package) * [ ] gitlab-shell (gitlab; required by gitlab) * [ ] gitlab-workhorse (gitlab; required by gitlab) * [ ] grafana (grafana; grunt-cli makedeps) * [ ] grafana-zabbix (grafana; grafana deps) * [ ] grunt-cli * [ ] gulp * [*] http-parser (nodejs; independent package) * [*] ibus (nodejs-emojione and cldr-emoji-annotation makedeps; independent package) * [*] idris (idris; nodejs makedeps) * [*] ipython (jupyter; independent package) * [ ] ipython2-notebook (jupyter; independent package) * [ ] jake * [ ] jupyter (juppyter; python-ipywidgets deps) * [ ] jupyter_console (jupyter; python-jupyter_client deps) * [ ] jupyter-nbconvert (jupyter; jupyter deps) * [ ] jupyter-nbformat (jupyter; python-jupyter_core deps) * [ ] jupyter-notebook (jupyter; npm makedeps) * [ ] jupyter-widgetsnbextension (jupyter; jupyter-notebook deps) * [ ] libreoffice-online (npm and jake deps; independent package) * [*] libibus (nodejs-emojione and cldr-emoji-annotation makedeps; independent package) * [ ] liri-files (liri; fluid deps) * [ ] liri-terminal (liri; fluid deps) * [ ] marked (marked; nodejs deps) * [ ] marked-man (marked; nodejs deps) * [#] netdata (nodejs optdeps only) * [*] nextcloud-app-richdocuments (libreoffice-online deps) * [ ] nodejs-emojione (nodejs; nodejs deps) * [ ] nodejs-less (nodejs; nodejs deps) * [ ] nodejs-lts (nodejs) * [ ] nodejs-material-design-icons (nodejs; nodejs deps) * [ ] npm (npm; nodejs deps) * [ ] npm-check-updates (npm; npm makedeps) * [ ] phonegap (phonegap; semver deps) * [ ] pm2 * [ ] pulp * [#] purescript (pulp optdeps only) * [ ] python-ipykernel (jupyter; python-jupyter_client deps) * [ ] python-ipywidgets (jupyter; npm makedeps) * [ ] python-jupyter_client (jupyter; python-jupyter_core deps) * [ ] python-jupyter_core (jupyter; required by jupyter) * [ ] python-qtconsole (jupyter; pyhon-jupyter_client deps) * [*] python2-fpylll (sagemath optdeps) * [ ] python2-ipykernel (jupyter; pyhon2-jupyter_client deps) * [ ] python2-ipywidgets (jupyter; npm makedeps) * [ ] python2-jupyter_client (jupyter; python2-jupyter_core deps) * [ ] python2-jupyter_core (jupyter; required by jupyter) * [ ] python2-qtconsole (jupyter; pyhon2-jupyter_client deps) * [ ] sage-data-conway_polynomials (sagemath makedeps) * [ ] sage-notebook * [ ] sage-notebook-exporter (sage-notebook-exporter; jupyter-nbconvert deps) * [ ] sagemath * [ ] sagemath-doc (sage-notebook and thebe deps; python2-ipywidgets, python2-jupyter_client, sage-notebook and thebe makedeps) * [ ] sagemath-jupyter (sagemath-jupyter; sage-notebook-exporter optdeps and python2-jupyter_client deps) * [ ] sagemath-src (python2-ipywidgets, python2-jupyter_client, sage-notebook and thebe makedeps) * [ ] sagetex (sagemath deps) * [ ] semver * [ ] spyder (spyder; python2-qtconsole deps) * [ ] spyder3 (spyder; python-qtconsole and jupyder deps) * [ ] startdde (deepin; coffee-script makedeps) * [ ] stylus * [ ] thebe (jupyter; independent package) * [ ] typescript * [ ] uglify-js * [*] valabind (valabind; independent package, contains nodejs?) * [ ] vibe (liri and fluid deps) * [ ] yarn | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Rebuild Perl 5 packages | 2019-02-16 | Márcio Silva | For FHS reasons, our Perl 5 library directories such as /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl and /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl will be moved directly to /usr/lib/perl5 while /usr/share/perl5/site_perl will be moved to /usr/local/lib/perl5. Every linked Perl 5 packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a link to Perl 5 library directories. Further details: | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Xenocara migration | 2019-02-07 | Márcio Silva | As Xenocara follows the same goals than our packaging guidelines in stability and security concerns, we have decided to remove X.Org and use Xenocara as our default provider of display server for the X Window System. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on xorg* or link to libX*.so* Further details: Source codes: (xenocara.tar.gz) (xenocara.tar.gz) * xorg-server - xenocara-server - xenocara/xserver [version: 1.19.6 (hyperbola) | 1.19.7 (software) | 6.5:1.19.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-server-common - xenocara-server-common - xenocara/xserver [version: 1.19.6 (hyperbola) | 1.19.7 (software) | 6.5:1.19.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-server-devel - xenocara-server-devel - xenocara/xserver [version: 1.19.6 (hyperbola) | 1.19.7 (software) | 6.5:1.19.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-server-xdmx - xenocara-server-xdmx - xenocara/xserver [version: 1.19.6 (hyperbola) | 1.19.7 (software) | 6.5:1.19.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-server-xephyr - xenocara-server-xephyr - xenocara/xserver [version: 1.19.6 (hyperbola) | 1.19.7 (software) | 6.5:1.19.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-server-xnest - xenocara-server-xnest - xenocara/xserver [version: 1.19.6 (hyperbola) | 1.19.7 (software) | 6.5:1.19.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-server-xvfb - xenocara-server-xvfb - xenocara/xserver [version: 1.19.6 (hyperbola) | 1.19.7 (software) | 6.5:1.19.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-server-xwayland - xenocara-server-xwayland - xenocara/xserver [version: 1.19.6 (hyperbola) | 1.19.7 (software) | 6.5:1.19.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-cf-files - xenocara/util/cf (removed on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 5.2:1.0.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-gccmakedep - xenocara-gccmakedep - xenocara/util/gccmakedep (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | 6.5:1.0.3 (xenocara)] * imake - xorg-imake - xenocara/util/imake (removed on xenocara source - legacy software) [version: 1.0.7 (hyperbola) | 1.0.8 (software) | 5.2:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-makedepend - xenocara-makedepend - xenocara/util/makedepend (legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-util-macros - xenocara-util-macros - xenocara/util/macros [version: 1.19.1 (hyperbola) | 1.19.2 (software) | 6.5:1.19.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-lndir - (not found on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-modular - (not found on xenocara source - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 11.7.6 (X11R7.6 - software) | - (xenocara)] * expat <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/expat (removed on xenocara source - not found on xorg sources) [version: 2.2.0 (hyperbola) | 2.2.6 (software) | 4.3:2.0.1 (xenocara)] * lib32-expat <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/expat (removed on xenocara source - not found on xorg sources) [version: 2.2.0 (hyperbola) | 2.2.6 (software) | 4.3:2.0.1 (xenocara)] * fontconfig <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/fontconfig -> xenocara/dist/fontconfig (not found on xorg sources) [version: 2.12.1 (hyperbola) | 2.12.6 (software) | 6.5:2.12.4 (xenocara)] * lib32-fontconfig <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/fontconfig -> xenocara/dist/fontconfig (not found on xorg sources) [version: 2.12.1 (hyperbola) | 2.12.6 (software) | 6.5:2.12.4 (xenocara)] * freetype2 <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/freetype (not found on xorg sources) [version: 2.7.1 (hyperbola) | 2.7.1 or 2.8.1 or 2.9.1 (software) | 6.5:2.9.1 or 6.3:2.8.1 or 6.2:2.8 or 6.1:2.7.1 (xenocara)] * lib32-freetype2 <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/freetype (not found on xorg sources) [version: 2.7.1 (hyperbola) | 2.7.1 or 2.8.1 or 2.9.1 (software) | 6.5:2.9.1 or 6.3:2.8.1 or 6.2:2.8 or 6.1:2.7.1 (xenocara)] * mesa-libegl/mesa-libgl <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libEGL -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * lib32-mesa-libegl/lib32-mesa-libgl <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libEGL -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * libfs - xenocara/lib/libFS [version: 1.0.7 (hyperbola) | 1.0.8 (software) | 6.5:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * lib32-libfs - xenocara/lib/libFS (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.8 (software) | 6.5:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * mesa-libgl <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGL -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * lib32-mesa-libgl <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGL -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * mesa-libgles1/mesa-libgl <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGLESv1_CM -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * lib32-mesa-libgles1/lib32-mesa-libgl <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGLESv1_CM -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * mesa-libgles2/mesa-libgl <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGLESv2 -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * lib32-mesa-libgles2/lib32-mesa-libgl <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGLESv2 -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * glu <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGLU (not found on xorg sources - legacy software) [version: 9.0.0 (hyperbola) | 9.0.0 (software) | 6.5:9.0.0 (xenocara)] * lib32-glu <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGLU (not found on xorg sources - legacy software) [version: 9.0.0 (hyperbola) | 9.0.0 (software) | 6.5:9.0.0 (xenocara)] * glw <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGLw (not found on xorg sources - legacy software - new package) [version: - (software) | 8.0.0 (software) | 6.5:4.6.0-xfree86 (xenocara)] * lib32-glw <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libGLw (not found on xorg sources - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 8.0.0 (software) | 6.5:4.6.0-xfree86 (xenocara)] * libice - xenocara/lib/libICE [version: 1.0.9 (hyperbola) | 1.0.9 (software) | 6.5:1.0.9 (xenocara)] * lib32-libice - xenocara/lib/libICE [version: 1.0.9 (hyperbola) | 1.0.9 (software) | 6.5:1.0.9 (xenocara)] * libsm - xenocara/lib/libSM [version: 1.2.2 (hyperbola) | 1.2.3 (software) | 6.5:1.2.3 (xenocara)] * lib32-libsm - xenocara/lib/libSM [version: 1.2.2 (hyperbola) | 1.2.3 (software) | 6.5:1.2.3 (xenocara)] * libx11 - xenocara/lib/libX11 [version: 1.6.5 (hyperbola) | 1.6.7 (software) | 6.5:1.6.7 (xenocara)] * lib32-libx11 - xenocara/lib/libX11 [version: 1.6.5 (hyperbola) | 1.6.7 (software) | 6.5:1.6.7 (xenocara)] * libxres - xenocara/lib/libXRes [version: 1.0.7 (hyperbola) | 1.0.7 or 1.2.0 (software) | 6.5:1.2.0 or 6.2:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxres - xenocara/lib/libXRes (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.7 or 1.2.0 (software) | 6.5:1.2.0 or 6.2:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * libxscrnsaver - xenocara/lib/libXScrnSaver (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.2.3 (software) | 6.5:1.2.3 (xenocara)] * lib32-xscrnsaver - xenocara/lib/libXScrnSaver (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.2.3 (software) | 6.5:1.2.3 (xenocara)] * libxtrap - xenocara/lib/libXTrap (removed on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.1 (software) | 4.7:1.0.0 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxtrap - xenocara/lib/libXTrap (removed on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.1 (software) | 4.7:1.0.0 (xenocara)] * libxau - xenocara/lib/libXau [version: 1.0.8 (hyperbola) | 1.0.9 (software) | 6.5:1.0.9 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxau - xenocara/lib/libXau [version: 1.0.8 (hyperbola) | 1.0.9 (software) | 6.5:1.0.9 (xenocara)] * libxaw - xenocara/lib/libXaw [version: 1.0.13 (hyperbola) | 1.0.13 (software) | 6.5:1.0.13 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxaw - xenocara/lib/libXaw (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.13 (software) | 6.5:1.0.13 (xenocara)] * libxcomposite - xenocara/lib/libXcomposite (legacy software) [version: 0.4.4 (hyperbola) | 0.4.5 (software) | 6.5:0.4.4 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxcomposite - xenocara/lib/libXcomposite (legacy software) [version: 0.4.4 (hyperbola) | 0.4.5 (software) | 6.5:0.4.4 (xenocara)] * libxcursor - xenocara/lib/libXcursor [version: 1.1.14 (hyperbola) | 1.1.15 (software) | 6.5:1.1.15 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxcursor - xenocara/lib/libXcursor [version: 1.1.14 (hyperbola) | 1.1.15 (software) | 6.5:1.1.15 (xenocara)] * libxdamage - xenocara/lib/libXdamage (legacy software) [version: 1.1.4 (hyperbola) | 1.1.5 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxdamage - xenocara/lib/libXdamage (legacy software) [version: 1.1.4 (hyperbola) | 1.1.5 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * libxdmcp - xenocara/lib/libXdmcp [version: 1.1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.1.2 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxdmcp - xenocara/lib/libXdmcp [version: 1.1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.1.2 (xenocara)] * libxext - xenocara/lib/libXext [version: 1.3.3 (hyperbola) | 1.3.4 (software) | 6.5:1.3.3 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxext - xenocara/lib/libXext [version: 1.3.3 (hyperbola) | 1.3.4 (software) | 6.5:1.3.3 (xenocara)] * libxfixes - xenocara/lib/libXfixes [version: 5.0.3 (hyperbola) | 5.0.3 (software) | 6.5:5.0.3 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxfixes - xenocara/lib/libXfixes [version: 5.0.3 (hyperbola) | 5.0.3 (software) | 6.5:5.0.3 (xenocara)] * libxfont2 - xenocara/lib/libXfont2 [version: 2.0.1 (hyperbola) | 2.0.3 (software) | 6.5:2.0.3 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxfont2 - xenocara/lib/libXfont2 (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 2.0.3 (software) | 6.5:2.0.3 (xenocara)] * libxft - xenocara/lib/libXft [version: 2.3.2 (hyperbola) | 2.3.3 (software) | 6.5:2.3.2 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxft - xenocara/lib/libXft [version: 2.3.2 (hyperbola) | 2.3.3 (software) | 6.5:2.3.2 (xenocara)] * libxi - xenocara/lib/libXi [version: 1.7.9 (hyperbola) | 1.7.9 (software) | 6.5:1.7.9 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxi - xenocara/lib/libXi [version: 1.7.7 (hyperbola) | 1.7.9 (software) | 6.5:1.7.9 (xenocara)] * libxinerama - xenocara/lib/libXinerama [version: 1.1.3 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6:5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxinerama - xenocara/lib/libXinerama [version: 1.1.3 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * libxmu - xenocara/lib/libXmu (legacy software) [version: 1.1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.1.2 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxmu - xenocara/lib/libXmu (legacy software) [version: 1.1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.1.2 (xenocara)] * libxp - xenocara/lib/libXp (removed on xenocara source) [version: 1.0.3 (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | 4.7:1.0.0 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxp - xenocara/lib/libXp (removed on xenocara source - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | 4.7:1.0.0 (xenocara)] * libxpm - xenocara/lib/libXpm [version: 3.5.12 (hyperbola) | 3.5.12 (software) | 6.5:3.5.12 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxpm - xenocara/lib/libXpm (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 3.5.12 (software) | 6.5:3.5.12 (xenocara)] * libxpresent - xenocara/lib/libXpresent (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.0 (software) | 6.5:1.0.0 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxpresent - xenocara/lib/libXpresent (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.0 (software) | 6.5:1.0.0 (xenocara)] * libxrandr - xenocara/lib/libXrandr [version: 1.5.1 (hyperbola) | 1.5.2 (software) | 6.5:1.5.1 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxrandr - xenocara/lib/libXrandr [version: 1.5.1 (hyperbola) | 1.5.2 (software) | 6.5:1.5.1 (xenocara)] * libxrender - xenocara/lib/libXrender [version: 0.9.10 (hyperbola) | 0.9.10 (software) | 6.5:0.9.10 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxrender - xenocara/lib/libXrender [version: 0.9.10 (hyperbola) | 0.9.10 (software) | 6.5:0.9.10 (xenocara)] * libxt - xenocara/lib/libXt [version: 1.1.5 (hyperbola) | 1.1.5 (software) | 6.5:1.1.5 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxt - xenocara/lib/libXt [version: 1.1.5 (hyperbola) | 1.1.5 (software) | 6.5:1.1.5 (xenocara)] * libxtst - xenocara/lib/libXtst [version: 1.2.3 (hyperbola) | 1.2.3 (software) | 6.5:1.2.2 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxtst - xenocara/lib/libXtst [version: 1.2.3 (hyperbola) | 1.2.3 (software) | 6.5:1.2.2 (xenocara)] * libxv - xenocara/lib/libXv [version: 1.0.11 (hyperbola) | 1.0.11 (software) | 6.5:1.0.11 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxv - xenocara/lib/libXv [version: 1.0.11 (hyperbola) | 1.0.11 (software) | 6.5:1.0.11 (xenocara)] * libxvmc - xenocara/lib/libXvMC [version: 1.0.10 (hyperbola) | 1.0.11 (software) | 6.5:1.0.10 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxvmc - xenocara/lib/libXvMC [version: 1.0.10 (hyperbola) | 1.0.11 (software) | 6.5:1.0.10 (xenocara)] * libxxf86dga - xenocara/lib/libXxf86dga [version: 1.1.4 (hyperbola) | 1.1.5 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxxf86dga - xenocara/lib/libXxf86dga (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.1.5 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * libxxf86misc - xenocara/lib/libXxf86misc [version: 1.0.3 (hyperbola) | 1.0.4 (software) | 6.4:1.0.2 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxxf86misc - xenocara/lib/libXxf86misc (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.4 (software) | 6.4:1.0.2 (xenocara)] * libxxf86vm - xenocara/lib/libXxf86vm [version: 1.1.4 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxxf86vm - xenocara/lib/libXxf86vm [version: 1.1.4 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * libdmx - xenocara/lib/libdmx [version: 1.1.3 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * lib32-libdmx - xenocara/lib/libdmx (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * libdrm <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libdrm (not found on xorg sources) [version: 2.4.80 (hyperbola) | 2.4.98 (software) | 6.5:2.4.96 (xenocara)] * lib32-libdrm <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libdrm (not found on xorg sources) [version: - (hyperbola) | 2.4.98 (software) | 6.5:2.4.96 (xenocara)] * libepoxy <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libepoxy -> xenocara/dist/libepoxy (not found on xorg sources) [version: 1.4.2 (hyperbola) | 1.3.1 or 1.4.3 or 1.5.3 (software) | 6.5:1.5.2 or 6.3:1.3.1 (xenocara)] * lib32-libepoxy <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libepoxy -> xenocara/dist/libepoxy (not found on xorg sources) [version: 1.4.1 (hyperbola) | 1.3.1 or 1.4.3 or 1.5.3 (software) | 6.5:1.5.2 or 6.3:1.3.1 (xenocara)] * libfontenc - xenocara/lib/libfontenc [version: 1.1.3 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * lib32-libfontenc - xenocara/lib/libfontenc (new package) [version: 1.1.3 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * mesa-libgbm/mesa <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libgbm -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources - separate package) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * lib32-mesa-libgbm/lib32-mesa <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libgbm -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources - separate package) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * mesa-libglapi/mesa <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libglapi -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources - separate package) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * lib32-mesa-libglapi/lib32-mesa <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libglapi -> xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources - separate package) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * libpciaccess - xenocara/lib/libpciaccess [version: 0.13.5 (hyperbola) | 0.13.5 or 0.14 (software) | 6.5:0.14 or 6.3:0.13.4 (xenocara)] * lib32-libpciaccess - xenocara/lib/libpciaccess [version: 0.13.5 (hyperbola) | 0.13.5 or 0.14 (software) | 6.5:0.14 or 6.3:0.13.4 (xenocara)] * libpthread-stubs <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libpthread-stubs (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 0.4 (software) | 6.2:0.1 (xenocara)] * lib32-libpthread-stubs <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/libpthread-stubs (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 0.4 (software) | 6.2:0.1 (xenocara)] * libtxc_dxtn <3RDPARTY_DEPRECATED> - xenocara/lib/libtxc_dxtn (not found on xorg sources - abandonware - remove package on mesa 17.3+) [version: 1.0.1 (hyperbola) | 1.0.1 (software) | 6.5:1.0.1 (xenocara)] * lib32-libtxc_dxtn <3RDPARTY_DEPRECATED> - xenocara/lib/libtxc_dxtn (not found on xorg sources - abandonware - remove package on mesa 17.3+) [version: 1.0.1 (hyperbola) | 1.0.1 (software) | 6.5:1.0.1 (xenocara)] * libxcb - xenocara/lib/libxcb -> xenocara/dist/libxcb (not found on xorg sources) [version: 1.12 (hyperbola) | 1.10 or 1.12 or 1.13.1 (software) | 6.5:1.13.1 or 6.3:1.10 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxcb - xenocara/lib/libxcb -> xenocara/dist/libxcb (not found on xorg sources) [version: 1.12 (hyperbola) | 1.10 or 1.12 or 1.13.1 (software) | 6.5:1.13.1 or 6.3:1.10 (xenocara)] * libxkbfile - xenocara/lib/libxkbfile [version: 1.0.9 (hyperbola) | 1.0.9 (software) | 6.5:1.0.9 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxkbfile - xenocara/lib/libxkbfile (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.9 (software) | 6.5:1.0.9 (xenocara)] * libxkbui - xenocara/lib/libxkbui (legacy software) [version: 1.0.2 (hyperbola) | 1.0.2 (software) | 6.5:1.0.2 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxkbui - xenocara/lib/libxkbui (legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.2 (software) | 6.5:1.0.2 (xenocara)] * libxshmfence - xenocara/lib/libxshmfence [version: 1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.3 (xenocara)] * lib32-libxshmfence - xenocara/lib/libxshmfence [version: 1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.3 (xenocara)] * xtrans - libxtrans - xenocara/lib/libxtrans [version: 1.3.5 (hyperbola) | 1.3.5 (software) | 6.5:1.3.5 (xenocara)] * lib32-xtrans - libxtrans - xenocara/lib/libxtrans (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.3.5 (software) | 6.5:1.3.5 (xenocara)] * mesa <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources - separate package) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * lib32-mesa <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/lib/mesa (not found on xorg sources - separate package) [version: 17.0.5 (hyperbola) | 17.0.7 or 18.3.6 (software) | 6.5:18.3.5 or 6.4:13.0.6 (xenocara)] * pixman - xenocara/lib/pixman [version: 0.34.0 (hyperbola) | 0.34.1 or 0.36.0 (software) | 6.5:0.36.0 or 6.4:0.34.0 (xenocara)] * pixman-static - xenocara/lib/pixman [version: 0.34.0 (hyperbola) | 0.34.1 or 0.36.0 (software) | 6.5:0.36.0 or 6.4:0.34.0 (xenocara)] * qemu-static <REBUILD_PIXMAN_STATIC> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources - rebuild with new "pixman-static" package) [version: 2.9.1 (hyperbola) | 2.9.1 (software) | - (xenocara)] * lib32-pixman - xenocara/lib/pixman [version: 0.34.0 (hyperbola) | 0.34.1 or 0.36.0 (software) | 6.5:0.36.0 or 6.4:0.34.0 (xenocara)] * tigervnc <REBUILD_WITH_XENOCARA_X_SERVER_SOURCE> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources - rebuild with Xenocara X server source as base for Xvnc/ [version: 1.7.1 (hyperbola) | 1.8.0 or 1.9.0 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xcb-util - xenocara/lib/xcb-util (not found on xorg sources) [version: 0.4.0 (hyperbola) | 0.4.0 (software) | 6.5:0.4.0 (xenocara)] * lib32-xcb-util - xenocara/lib/xcb-util (not found on xorg sources) [version: 0.4.0 (hyperbola) | 0.4.0 (software) | 6.5:0.4.0 (xenocara)] * xcb-util-cursor - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-cursor (not found on xorg sources) [version: 0.1.3 (hyperbola) | 0.1.3 (software) | 6.5:0.1.3 (xenocara)] * lib32-xcb-util-cursor - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-cursor (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 0.1.3 (software) | 6.5:0.1.3 (xenocara)] * xcb-util-image - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-image (not found on xorg sources) [version: 0.4.0 (hyperbola) | 0.4.0 (software) | 6.5:0.4.0 (xenocara)] * lib32-xcb-util-image - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-image (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 0.4.0 (software) | 6.5:0.4.0 (xenocara)] * xcb-util-keysyms - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-keysyms (not found on xorg sources) [version: 0.4.0 (hyperbola) | 0.4.0 (software) | 6.5:0.4.0 (xenocara)] * lib32-xcb-util-keysyms - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-keysyms (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 0.4.0 (software) | 6.5:0.4.0 (xenocara)] * xcb-util-renderutil - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-renderutil (not found on xorg sources) [version: 0.3.9 (hyperbola) | 0.3.9 (software) | 6.5:0.3.9 (xenocara)] * lib32-xcb-util-renderutil - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-renderutil (not found on xorg sources -new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 0.3.9 (software) | 6.5:0.3.9 (xenocara)] * xcb-util-wm - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-wm (not found on xorg sources) [version: 0.4.1 (hyperbola) | 0.4.1 (software) | 6.5:0.4.1 (xenocara)] * lib32-xcb-util-wm - xenocara/lib/xcb-util-wm (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 0.4.1 (software) | 6.5:0.4.1 (xenocara)] * xcb-util-xrm <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xorg sources) [version: 1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.0 (xenocara)] * lib32-xcb-util-xrm <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.0 (xenocara)] * hsakmt <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources - useful only with free gpu firmware - ignore package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.0 (software) | - (xenocara)] * lib32-hsakmt <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources - useful only with free gpu firmware - ignore package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.0 (software) | - (xenocara)] * libxaw3d - (not found on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.6.3 (software) | - (xenocara)] * lib32-libxaw3d - (not found on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.6.3 (software) | - (xenocara)] * libxkbcommon - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 0.7.1 (hyperbola) | 0.7.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * libxkbcommon-x11 - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 0.7.1 (hyperbola) | 0.7.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * lib32-libxkbcommon - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 0.7.1 (hyperbola) | 0.7.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * lib32-libxkbcommon-x11 - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 0.7.1 (hyperbola) | 0.7.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * python2-xcffib - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 0.5.1 (hyperbola) | 0.5.1 (software) | - (xenocara)] * python-xcffib - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 0.5.1 (hyperbola) | 0.5.1 (software) | - (xenocara)] * python2-xpyb - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources - replaced by python2-xcffib - ignore package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.3.1 (software) | - (xenocara)] * python-xpyb - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources- replaced by python-xcffib - ignore package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.3.1 (software) | - (xenocara)] * python2-xpybutil - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: (hyperbola) | 0.0.5 (software) | - (xenocara)] * python-xpybutil - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: (hyperbola) | 0.0.5 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xcb-util-errors - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0 (software) | - (xenocara)] * lib32-xcb-util-errors - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0 (software) | - (xenocara)] * unichrome-dri <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 7.11.2 (hyperbola) | 7.11.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * i810-dri <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 7.11.2 (hyperbola) | 7.11.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * mach64-dri <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 7.11.2 (hyperbola) | 7.11.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * mga-dri <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 7.11.2 (hyperbola) | 7.11.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * r128-dri <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 7.11.2 (hyperbola) | 7.11.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * savage-dri <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 7.11.2 (hyperbola) | 7.11.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * sis-dri <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 7.11.2 (hyperbola) | 7.11.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * tdfx-dri <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 7.11.2 (hyperbola) | 7.11.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * bigreqsproto - xenocara/proto/bigreqsproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * compositeproto - xenocara/proto/compositeproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * damageproto - xenocara/proto/damageproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * dmxproto - xenocara/proto/dmxproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * dri2proto - xenocara/proto/dri2proto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * dri3proto - xenocara/proto/dri3proto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * evieproto - xenocara/proto/evieproto (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * fixesproto - xenocara/proto/fixesproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * fontcacheproto - xenocara/proto/fontcacheproto (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * fontsproto - xenocara/proto/fontsproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * glproto - xenocara/proto/glproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * inputproto - xenocara/proto/inputproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * kbproto - xenocara/proto/kbproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * pmproto - xenocara/proto/pmproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * presentproto - xenocara/proto/presentproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * printproto - xenocara/proto/printproto (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * randrproto - xenocara/proto/randrproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * recordproto - xenocara/proto/recordproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * renderproto - xenocara/proto/renderproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * resourceproto - xenocara/proto/resourceproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * scrnsaverproto - xenocara/proto/scrnsaverproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * trapproto - xenocara/proto/trapproto (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * videoproto - xenocara/proto/videoproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xcb-proto - xenocara/proto/xcb-proto (not found on xorg sources) [version: 1.12 (hyperbola) | 1.13 (software) | 6.5:1.13 (xenocara)] * xcmiscproto - xenocara/proto/xcmiscproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xextproto - xenocara/proto/xextproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xf86bigfontproto - xenocara/proto/xf86bigfontproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xf86dgaproto - xenocara/proto/xf86dgaproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xf86driproto - xenocara/proto/xf86driproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xf86miscproto - xenocara/proto/xf86miscproto (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xf86rushproto - xenocara/proto/xf86rushproto (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xf86vidmodeproto - xenocara/proto/xf86vidmodeproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xineramaproto - xenocara/proto/xineramaproto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * xorgproto - xenocara-proto - xenocara/proto/xorgproto (new package - remove applewmproto and windowswmproto) [version: - (hyperbola) | 2018.4 (software) | 6.5:2018.4 (xenocara)] * xproto/x11proto - xenocara/proto/x11proto (abandonware - replace with xenocara-proto package) * - applewmproto (not found on xenocara source - abandonware/useful only with nonfree software - ignore package) * - calibrateproto (not found on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) * - panoramixproto (not found on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) * - windowswmproto (not found on xenocara source - abandonware/useful only with nonfree software - ignore package) * xf86-input-acecad - xenocara-input-acecad - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-acecad (abandonware - required package for graphicstablets - new package) [version: 1.5.0] * xf86-input-aiptek - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-aiptek (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.4.1] * xf86-input-calcomp - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-calcomp (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.1.2] * xf86-input-citron - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-citron (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 2.2.2] * xf86-input-digitaledge - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-digitaledge (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.1.1] * xf86-input-dmc - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-dmc (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.1.2] * xf86-input-dynapro - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-dynapro (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.1.2] * xf86-input-elo2300 - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-elo2300 (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.1.2] * xf86-input-elographics - xenocara-input-elographics - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-elographics (abandonware - required package for touchscreens) [version: 1.4.1] * xf86-input-fpit - xenocara-input-fpit - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-fpit (abandonware - required package for touchscreens - new package) [version: 1.4.0] * xf86-input-gunze - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-gunze (not found on xorg sources/removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.4.0] * xf86-input-hyperpen - xenocara-input-hyperpen - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-hyperpen (abandonware - required package for graphicstablets - new package) [version: 1.4.1] * xf86-input-jamstudio - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-jamstudio (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.2.0] * xf86-input-joystick - xenocara-input-joystick - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-joystick (new package) [version: 1.6.3] * xf86-input-keyboard - xenocara-input-keyboard - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-keyboard [version: 1.9.0] * xf86-input-magellan - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-magellan (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.2.0] * xf86-input-magictouch - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-magictouch (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: no version found] * xf86-input-microtouch - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-microtouch (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.2.0] * xf86-input-mouse - xenocara-input-mouse - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-mouse [version: 1.9.3] * xf86-input-mutouch - xenocara-input-mutouch - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-mutouch (abandonware - required package for touchscreens - new package) [version: 1.3.0] * xf86-input-palmax - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-palmax (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.2.0] * xf86-input-penmount - xenocara-input-penmount - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-penmount (abandonware - required package for touchscreens - new package) [version: 1.5.0] * xf86-input-spaceorb - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-spaceorb (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.1.1] * xf86-input-summa - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-summa (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.2.0] * xf86-input-synaptics - xenocara-input-synaptics - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-synaptics [version: 1.9.1] * xf86-input-tek4957 - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-tek4957 (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.2.0] * xf86-input-ur98 - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-ur98 (removed on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.1.0] * xf86-input-usbtablet - xenocara-input-usbtablet - xenocara/driver/openbsd-input-usbtablet -> xenocara/driver/xf86-input-usbtablet (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: 1.1.0] * xf86-input-vmmouse - xenocara-input-vmmouse - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-vmmouse [version: 13.1.0] * xf86-input-void - xenocara-input-void - xenocara/driver/xf86-input-void [version: 1.4.1] * xf86-input-ws - xenocara-input-ws - xenocara/driver/openbsd-input-ws -> xenocara/driver/xf86-input-ws (not found on xorg sources - bsd only - ignore package) [version: 1.3.0] * xf86-input-evdev - xorg-input-evdev - (not found on xenocara source - evdev only) [version: 2.10.6] * xf86-input-libinput - xorg-input-libinput - (not found on xenocara source - evdev only) [version: 0.28.2] * xf86-input-sample - xorg-input-sample - (not found on xenocara source - abandonware - ignore package) [version: no version found] * xf86-input-wacom - xorg-input-wacom - (not found on xenocara/xorg sources) [version: 0.34.2] * xf86-video-apm - xenocara-video-apm - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-apm (pci - new package) [version: 1.2.5] * xf86-video-ark - xenocara-video-ark - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-ark (pci/legacy software - new package) [version: 0.7.5] * xf86-video-ast - xenocara-video-ast - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-ast (pci - new package) [version: 1.1.5] * xf86-video-ati - xenocara-video-ati - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-ati (pci+pcie) [version: 18.1.0] * xf86-video-chips - xenocara-video-chips - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-chips (pci - new package) [version: 1.2.7] * xf86-video-cirrus - xenocara-video-cirrus - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-cirrus (pci - new package) [version: 1.5.3] * xf86-video-cyrix - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-cyrix (removed on xenocara source - x86_32 only/abandonware/replaced by xenocara-video-geode - ignore package) [version: 1.1.0] * xf86-video-dummy - xenocara-video-dummy - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-dummy (dummy driver) [version: 0.3.8] * xf86-video-fbdev - xorg-video-fbdev - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-fbdev (removed on xenocara source - generic driver/gnu+linux only) [version: 0.4.4] * xf86-video-geode - xenocara-video-geode - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-geode (x86_32 only - new package) [version: 2.11.19] * xf86-video-glint - xenocara-video-glint - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-glint (pci - new package) [version: 1.2.9] * xf86-video-i128 - xenocara-video-i128 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-i128 (pci - new package) [version: 1.3.6] * xf86-video-i740 - xenocara-video-i740 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-i740 (pci - new package) [version: 1.3.6] * xf86-video-i810 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-i810 (removed on xenocara source - x86_32 only/abandonware/replaced by xenocara-video-intel - ignore package) [version: 1.7.4] * xf86-video-impact - xenocare/driver/xf86-video-impact (removed on xenocara source - old-mips only/legacy software - ignore package) [version: 0.2.0] * xf86-video-imstt - xenocare/driver/xf86-video-imstt (removed on xenocara source - pci/abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.1.0] * xf86-video-intel - xorg-video-intel - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-intel (x86 only) [version: 2.99.917 (hyperbola) | 2.99.917 (software) | 2.99.916 (xenocara)] NOTE: use Debian tarball (2.99.917+git20180925) because Xenocara version is so deprecated * xf86-video-mach64 - xenocara-video-mach64 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-mach64 (pci - new package) [version: 6.9.6] * xf86-video-mga - xenocara-video-mga - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-mga (pci - new package) [version: 1.6.5] * xf86-video-modesetting/xorg-server - xenocara-video-modesetting - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-modesetting -> xenocara/xserver (merged in xorg-server - generic driver - separate package) [version: 1.19.6] * xf86-video-neomagic - xenocara-video-neomagic - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-neomagic (x86_32 only - new package) [version: 1.2.9] * xf86-video-newport - xenocara/driver/newport (removed on xenocara source - old-mips only/legacy software - ignore package) [version: 0.2.4] * xf86-video-nsc - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-nsc (removed on xenocara source - x86_32 only/abandonware/replaced by xenocara-video-geode - ignore package) [version: 2.8.3] * xf86-video-nv - xenocara-video-nv - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-nv (pci+pcie - new package) [version: 2.1.21] * xf86-video-openchrome - xenocara-video-openchrome - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-openchrome (pci) [version: 0.6.0] * xf86-video-r128 - xenocara-video-r128 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-r128 (pci - new package) [version: 6.10.2] * xf86-video-radeonhd - xorg-video-radeonhd - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-radeonhd (removed on xenocara source - pci+pcie/legacy software - new package) [version: 1.3.0+patch-20170717] * xf86-video-radeonold[ATI] - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-radeonold (removed on xenocara source - pci+pcie/abandonware - ignore package) [version: 18.1.0 (ati)] * xf86-video-rendition - xenocara-video-rendition - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-rendition (pci - new package) [version: 4.2.7] * xf86-video-s3 - xenocara-video-s3 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-s3 (pci/legacy software - new package) [version: 0.6.5] * xf86-video-s3virge - xenocara-video-s3virge - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-s3virge (pci - new package) [version: 1.10.7] * xf86-video-savage - xenocara-video-savage - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-savage (pci - new package) [version: 2.3.9] * xf86-video-siliconmotion - xenocara-video-siliconmotion - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-siliconmotion (pci - new package) [version: 1.7.9] * xf86-video-sis - xenocara-video-sis - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-sis (x86 only - new package) [version: 0.10.9] * xf86-video-sisusb - xorg-video-sisusb - xenocara/driver/x86-video-sisusb (removed on xenocara source - usb) [version: 0.9.7] * xf86-video-sunbw2 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-sunbw2 (removed on xenocara source - old-sparc only/abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.1.0] * xf86-video-suncg3 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-suncg3 (removed on xenocara source - old-sparc only/legacy software - ignore package) [version: 1.1.2] * xf86-video-suncg6 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-suncg6 (removed on xenocara source - old-sparc only/legacy software - ignore package) [version: 1.1.2] * xf86-video-suncg14 - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-suncg14 (removed on xenocara source - old-sparc only/legacy software - ignore package) [version: 1.1.2] * xf86-video-sunffb - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-sunffb (old-sparc only/legacy software - ignore package) [version: 1.2.2] * xf86-video-sunleo - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-sunleo (removed on xenocara source - old-sparc only - ignore package) [version: 1.2.2] * xf86-video-suntcx - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-suntcx (removed on xenocara source - old-sparc only/legacy software - ignore package) [version: 1.1.2] * xf86-video-tdfx - xenocara-video-tdfx - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-tdfx (pci - new package) [version: 1.4.7] * xf86-video-tga - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-tga (removed on xenocara source - alpha only/legacy software - ignore package) [version: 1.2.2] * xf86-video-trident - xenocara-video-trident - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-trident (pci - new package) [version: 1.3.8] * xf86-video-tseng - xenocara-video-tseng - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-tseng (pci/legacy software - new package) [version: 1.2.5] * xf86-video-v4l - xorg-video-v4l - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-v4l (removed on xenocara source - video-in driver/gnu+linux only - new package) [version: 0.2.0] * xf86-video-vesa - xenocara-video-vesa - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-vesa (generic driver - new package) [version: 2.3.4] * xf86-video-vga - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-vga (removed on xenocara source - generic driver/abandonware/replaced by xenocara-video-vesa - ignore package) [version: 4.1.0] * xf86-video-via - xorg-video-via - xenocaara/driver/xf86-video-via (removed on xenocara source - x86 only/legacy software/replaced by xenocara-video-openchrome - new package) [version: 0.2.2] * xf86-video-vmware - xorg-video-vmware - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-vmware (virtual driver) [version: 13.2.1 (hyperbola) | 13.3.0 (software) | 13.1.0 (xenocara)] NOTE: use version adapted for Milky Way (13.2.1) because Xenocara version is so deprecated * xf86-video-voodoo - xenocara-video-voodoo - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-voodoo (pci/legacy software) [version: 1.2.5] * xf86-video-wildcatfb - xenocara-video-wildcatfb - xenocara/dirver/xf86-video-wildcatfb (not found on xorg sources - pcix/bsd only - ignore package) [version: unknown] * xf86-video-wsfb - xenocara-video-wsfb - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-wsfb (not found on xorg sources - generic driver/bsd only - ignore package) [version: 0.4.1] * xf86-video-wsudl - xenocara-video-wsudl - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-wsudl (not found on xorg sources - generic driver/bsd only - ignore package) [version: 0.2.2] * xf86-video-amdgpu - xorg-video-amdgpu - xenocara/driver/xf86-video-amdgpu (not found on xenocara source for now - pci+pcie) [version: 1.3.0] * xf86-video-armsoc - (not found on xenocara source - arm only - ignore package) [version: 1.4.1] * xf86-video-freedreno - (not found on xenocara source - arm only - ignore package) [version: 1.4.0] * xf86-video-glide - (not found on xenocara source - pci/abandonware - ignore package) [version: 1.2.2] * xf86-video-nested - xorg-video-nested - (not found on xenocara source - virtual driver - new package) [version: no version found / git-20181204] * xf86-video-nouveau - xorg-video-nouveau - (not found on xenocara source - pci+pcie) [version: 1.0.16] * xf86-video-omap - (not found on xenocara source - arm only - ignore package) [version: 0.4.5] * xf86-video-opentegra - (not found on xenocara source - arm only - ignore package) [version: 0.7.0] * xf86-video-qxl - xorg-video-qxl - (not found on xenocara source - virtual driver - new package) [version: 0.1.5] * xf86-video-vboxvideo - xorg-video-vboxvideo - (not found on xenocara source - virtual driver - new package) [version: 1.0.0] * xf86-video-wayland - (not found on xenocara source - virtual driver/wayland only/replaced by xenocara-server-xwayland - ignore package) [version: no version found] * xf86-video-xgi - xorg-video-xgi - (not found on xenocara source - pci - new package) [version: 1.6.1] * xf86-video-xgixp - xorg-video-xgixp - (not found on xenocara source - pci+pcie/legacy package - new package) [version: 1.8.1] * xbitmaps - xenocara-xbitmaps - xenocara/data/bitmaps [version: 1.1.1 (hyperbola) | 1.1.2 (software) | 6.5:1.1.2 (xenocara)] * xkeyboard-config <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/data/xkeyboard-config [version: 2.20 (hyperbola) | 2.20 or 2.27 (software) | 6.5:2.20 (xenocara)] * xcursor-themes - xorg-xcursor-themes - (not found on xenocara source) [version: 1.0.4 (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-docs - xenocara-docs - xenocara/doc/xorg-docs [version: 1.7.1 (hyperbola) | 1.7.1 (software) | 6.5:1.7.1 (xenocara)] * xenocara-mesa-libgl-docs - xenocara/doc/gl-docs/GL (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | - (software) | 6.5 (xenocara)] * xenocara-mesa-libglu-docs - xenocara/doc/gl-docs/GLU (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | - (software) | 6.5 (xenocara)] * xenocara-mesa-libglw-docs - xenocara/doc/gl-docs/GLw (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | - (software) | 6.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-sgml-doctools - (not found on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.11 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-appres - xenocara-appres - xenocara/app/appres [version: 1.0.4 (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-bdftopcf - xenocara-bdftopcf - xenocara/app/bdftopcf [version: 1.0.5 (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 or 1.1 (software) | 6.5:1.1 or 6.3:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-beforelight - xenocara-beforelight - xenocara/app/beforelight (legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-bitmap - xenocara-bitmap - xenocara/app/bitmap (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.9 (software) | 6.5:1.0.8 (xenocara)] * xenocara-cwm - xenocara/app/cwm (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | - (software) | 6.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-editres - xenocara-editres - xenocara/app/editres (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.7 (software) | 6.5:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-fonttosfnt - xenocara-fonttosfnt - xenocara/app/fonttosfnt (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-fslsfonts - xenocara-fslsfonts - xenocara/app/fslsfonts (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-fstobdf - xenocara-fstobdf - xenocara/app/fstobdf (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * fvwm <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xorg sources - xenocara derivative) [version: 2.6.7 GPL (hyperbola) | 2.6.9 GPL (software) | 6.5 BSD (xenocara)] * xenocara-fvwm <3RDPARTY> - (not found on xorg sources - xenocara derivative) [version: 2.6.7 GPL (hyperbola) | 2.6.9 GPL (software) | 6.5 BSD (xenocara)] * mesa-demos[glxgears] <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/app/glxgears (not found on xorg sources - separate package) [version: 8.3.0 (hyperbola) | 8.2.0 or 8.3.0 or 8.4.0 (software) | 6.5:8.2.0 (xenocara)] * mesa-demos[glxinfo] <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/app/glxinfo (not found on xorg sources - separate package) [version: 8.3.0 (hyperbola) | 8.2.0 or 8.3.0 or 8.4.0 (software) | 6.5:8.4.0 or 6.2:8.2.0-git or 5.6:8.2.0 (xenocara)] * xorg-iceauth - xenocara-iceauth - xenocara/app/iceauth [version: 1.0.7 (hyperbola) | 1.0.8 (software) | 6.5:1.0.8 (xenocara)] * xorg-ico - xenocara-ico - xenocara/app/ico (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software)| 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-lbxproxy - xenocara/app/lbxproxy (removed on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | 4.4:1.0.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-listres - xenocara-listres - xenocara/app/listres (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.4 (software) | 6.5:1.0.4 (xenocara)] * luit - xenocara/app/luit (not found on xenocara/xorg sources - legacy software) [version: 1.1.1 (hyperbola) | 20190106 (software) | 6.5:1.1.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-luit - xenocara-luit - xenocara/app/luit (legacy software) [version: 1.1.1 (hyperbola) | 1.1.1 (software) | 6.5:1.1.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-mkfontdir - xenocara-mkfontdir - xenocara/app/mkfontdir (legacy software) [version: 1.0.7 (hyperbola) | 1.0.7 (software) | 6.5:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-mkfontscale - xenocara-mkfontscale - xenocara/app/mkfontscale [version: 1.1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.1.3 (xenocara)] * xorg-oclock - xenocara-oclock - xenocara/app/oclock [version: 1.0.3 (hyperbola) | 1.0.4 (software) | 6.5:1.0.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-proxymngr - xenocara-proxymngr - xenocara/app/proxymngr (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.4 (software) | 4.5:1.0.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-rgb - xenocara-rgb - xenocara/app/rgb (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * xorg-rstart - xenocara-rstart - xenocara/app/rstart (legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 4.6:1.0.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-scripts - xenocara-scripts - xenocara/app/scripts (legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.1 (software) | 6.5:1.0.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-sessreg - xenocara-sessreg - xenocara/app/sessreg [version: 1.1.1 (hyperbola) | 1.1.1 (software) | 6.5:1.1.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-setxkbmap - xenocara-setxkbmap - xenocara/app/setxkbmap [version: 1.3.1 (hyperbola) | 1.3.1 (software) | 6.5:1.3.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-showfont - xenocara-showfont - xenocara/app/showfont (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-smproxy - xenocara-smproxy - xenocara/app/smproxy [version: 1.0.6 (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * x11-ssh-askpass <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/app/ssh-askpass (not found on xorg sources) [version: (hyperbola) | (software) | 6.5:4.5.0 XFree86 (xenocara)] * xenocara-ssh-askpass <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/app/ssh-askpass (not found on xorg sources) [version: (hyperbola) | (software) | 6.5:4.5.0 XFree86 (xenocara)] * xorg-twm - xenocara-twm - xenocara/app/twm [version: 1.0.9 (hyperbola) | 1.0.10 (software) | 6.5:1.0.10 (xenocara)] * xenocara-video - xenocara/app/video (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | - (software) | 6.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-viewres - xenocara-viewres - xenocara/app/viewres (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-x11perf - xenocara-x11perf - xenocara/app/x11perf [version: 1.6.0 (hyperbola) | 1.6.1 (software) | 6.5:1.6.0 (xenocara)] * xorg-xauth - xenocara-xauth - xenocara/app/xauth [version: 1.0.10 (hyperbola) | 1.0.10 (software) | 6.5:1.0.10 (xenocara)] * xorg-xbacklight - xenocara-xbacklight - xenocara/app/xbacklight [version: 1.2.1 (hyperbola) | 1.2.2 (software) | 6.5:1.2.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xbiff - xenocara-xbiff - xenocara/app/xbiff (legacy software) [version: 1.0.3 (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | 6.5:1.0.3 (xenocara)] * xorg-xcalc - xenocara-xcalc - xenocara/app/xcalc [version: 1.0.6 (hyperbola) | 1.0.7 (software) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * xorg-xclipboard - xenocara-xclipboard - xenocara/app/xclipboard (legacy software) [version: 1.1.3 (hyperbola) | 1.1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.1.3 (xenocara)] * xorg-xclock - xenocara-xclock - xenocara/app/xclock (legacy software) [version: 1.0.7 (hyperbola) | 1.0.8 (software) | 6.5:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-xcmsdb - xenocara-xcmsdb - xenocara/app/xcmsdb [version: 1.0.5 (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xcompmgr - xenocara-xcompmgr - xenocara/app/xcompmgr [version: 1.1.7 (hyperbola) | 1.1.8 (software) | 6.5:1.1.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-xconsole - xenocara-xconsole - xenocara/app/xconsole [version: 1.0.7 (hyperbola) | 1.0.7 (software) | 6.5:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-xdm - xenocara-xdm - xenocara/app/xdm (legacy software) [version: 1.1.11 (hyperbola) | 1.1.12 (software) | 6.2:1.1.11 (xenocara)] * xorg-xdpyinfo - xenocara-xdpyinfo - xenocara/app/xdpyinfo [version: 1.3.2 (hyperbola) | 1.3.2 (software) | 6.5:1.3.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xdriinfo - xenocara-xdriinfo - xenocara/app/xdriinfo [version: 1.0.5 (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * xorg-xedit - xenocara-xedit - xenocara/app/xedit [version: 1.2.2 (hyperbola) | 1.2.2 (software) | 6.5:1.2.2 (xenocara)] * xenocara-xenodm - xenocara/app/xenodm (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | - (software) | 6.5:0.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-xev - xenocara-xev - xenocara/app/xev [version: 1.2.2 (hyperbola) | 1.2.3 (software) | 6.5:1.2.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xeyes - xenocara-xeyes - xenocara/app/xeyes [version: 1.1.1 (hyperbola) | 1.1.2 (software) | 6.5:1.1.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xf86dga - xenocara-xf86dga - xenocara/app/xf86dga (legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | 6.5:1.0.3 (xenocara)] * xorg-xfd - xenocara-xfd - xenocara/app/xfd (legacy software) [version: 1.1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.1.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xfindproxy - xenocara-xfindproxy - xenocara/app/xfindproxy (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.4 (software) | 4.5:1.0.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-xfontsel - xenocara-xfontsel - xenocara/app/xfontsel [version: 1.0.5 (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * xorg-xfs - xenocara-xfs - xenocara/app/xfs (removed on xenocara - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 or 1.2.0 (software) | 5.7:1.1.3 (xenocara)] * xorg-xfsinfo - xenocara-xfsinfo - xenocara/app/xfsinfo (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-xfwp - xenocara-xfwp - xenocara/app/xfwp (legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | 6.5:1.0.3 (xenocara)] * xorg-xgamma - xenocara-xgamma - xenocara/app/xgamma [version: 1.0.6 (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * xorg-xgc - xenocara-xgc - xenocara/app/xgc (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-xhost - xenocara-xhost - xenocara/app/xhost [version: 1.0.7 (hyperbola) | 1.0.8 (software) | 6.5:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * xenocara-xidle - xenocara/app/xidle (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola)| - (software) | 6.5:4.5.0 XFree86 (xenocara)] * xorg-xinit - xenocara-xinit - xenocara/app/xinit [version: 1.3.4 (hyperbola) | 1.3.4 or 1.4.1 (software) | 6.5:1.4.0 or 6.3:1.3.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xinput - xenocara-xinput - xenocara/app/xinput [version: 1.6.2 (hyperbola) | 1.6.2 (software) | 6.5:1.6.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xkbcomp - xenocara-xkbcomp - xenocara/app/xkbcomp [version: 1.4.0 (hyperbola) | 1.4.2 (software) | 6.5:1.4.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xkbevd - xenocara-xkbevd - xenocara/app/xkbevd [version: 1.1.4 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xkbprint - xenocara-xkbprint - xenocara/app/xkbprint (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.4 (software) | 6.5:1.0.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xkbutils - xenocara-xkbutils - xenocara/app/xkbutils (legacy software) [version: 1.0.4 (hyperbola) | 1.0.4 (software) | 6.5:1.0.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xkill - xenocara-xkill - xenocara/app/xkill [version: | 1.0.4 (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-xload - xenocara-xload - xenocara/app/xload [version: 1.1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.1.3 (xenocara)] * xlockmore <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/app/xlockmore (not found on xorg sources) [version: 5.51 (hyperbola) | 5.56 (software) | 6.5:5.22 (xenocara)] * xorg-xlogo - xenocara-xlogo - xenocara/app/xlogo (legacy software) [version: 1.0.4 (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xlsatoms - xenocara-xlsatoms - xenocara/app/xlsatoms [version: 1.1.2 (hyperbola) | 1.1.3 (software) | 6.5:1.1.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xlsclients - xenocara-xlsclients - xenocara/app/xlsclients [version: 1.1.3 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xlsfonts - xenocara-xlsfonts - xenocara/app/xlsfonts [version: 1.0.5 (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * xorg-xmag - xenocara-xmag - xenocara/app/xmag [version: 1.0.6 (hyperbola) | 1.0.6 (software) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * xorg-xman - xenocara-xman - xenocara/app/xman [version: 1.1.4 (hyperbola) | 1.1.4 (software) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xmessage - xenocara-xmessage - xenocara/app/xmessage [version: 1.0.4 (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-xmodmap - xenocara-xmodmap - xenocara/app/xmodmap [version: 1.0.9 (hyperbola) | 1.0.10 (software) | 6.5:1.0.9 (xenocara)] * xorg-xmore - xenocara-xmore - xenocara/app/xmore (legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | 6.5:1.0.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xpr - xenocara-xpr - xenocara/app/xpr [version: 1.0.4 (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-xprop - xenocara-xprop - xenocara/app/xprop [version: 1.2.2 (hyperbola) | 1.2.4 (software) | 6.5:1.2.3 (xenocara)] * xorg-xrandr - xenocara-xrandr - xenocara/app/xrandr [version: 1.5.0 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.5.0 (xenocara)] * xorg-xrdb - xenocara-xrdb - xenocara/app/xrdb [version: 1.1.0 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.1.1 (xenocara)] * xorg-xrefresh - xenocara-xrefresh - xenocara/app/xrefresh [version: 1.0.5 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.0.6 (xenocara)] * xorg-xset - xenocara-xset - xenocara/app/xset [version: 1.2.3 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.2.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xsetroot - xenocara-xsetroot - xenocara/app/xsetroot [version: 1.1.1 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.1.2 (xenocara)] * xorg-xsm - xenocara-xsm - xenocara/app/xsm (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.0.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xstdcmap - xenocara-xstdcmap - xenocara/app/xstdcmap (legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.0.3 (xenocara)] * xenocara-xsystrace - xenocara/app/xsystrace (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 5.9:4.5.0 XFree86 (xenocara)] * xterm <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/app/xterm (not found on xorg sources) [version: 327 (hyperbola) | 6.5:344 (xenocara)] * xorg-xtrap - xenocara-xtrap - xenocara/app/xtrap (new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 4.6:1.0.2 (xenocara)] * xenocara-xtsscale - xenocara/app/xtsscale (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 6.5 (xenocara)] * xenocara-xvctl - xenocara/app/xvctl (not found on xorg sources - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 6.5:4.5.0 XFree86 (xenocara)] * xorg-xvidtune - xenocara-xvidtune - xenocara/app/xvidtune (legacy software) [version: 1.0.3 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.0.3 (xenocara)] * xorg-xvinfo - xenocara-xvinfo - xenocara/app/xvinfo [version: 1.1.3 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.1.3 (xenocara)] * xorg-xwd - xenocara-xwd - xenocara/app/xwd [version: 1.0.6 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.0.7 (xenocara)] * xorg-xwininfo - xenocara-xwininfo - xenocara/app/xwininfo [version: 1.1.3 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.1.4 (xenocara)] * xorg-xwud - xenocara-xwud - xenocara/app/xwud [version: 1.0.4 (hyperbola) | 6.5:1.0.5 (xenocara)] * xorg-constype - (not found on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.4 (software) | - (xenocara)] * intel-gpu-tools - xorg-intel-gpu-tools - (not found on xenocara source) [version: 1.16 (hyperbola) | 1.23 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-mkcomposecache - (not found on xenocara source - legacy software - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.2.1 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-rendercheck - (not found on xenocara source - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.5 (software) | - (xenocara)] * transset-df - (not found on xorg/xenocara sources - legacy software) [version: 6 (hyperbola) | 6 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-transset - (not found on xenocara source) [version: 6 DF | 1.0.2 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-xcursorgen - (not found on xenocara source) [version: 1.0.6 (hyperbola) | 1.0.7 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-xditview - (not found on xenocara source - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.5 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-xmh - (not found on xenocara source - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.0.3 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xrestop - xorg-xrestop - (not found on xenocara source) [version: 0.4 (hyperbola) | 0.4 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-xscope - (not found on xenocara source - new package) [version: - (hyperbola) | 1.4.1 (software) | - (xenocara)] * xorg-font-adobe-100dpi/xorg-fonts-100dpi - xenocara-font-adobe-100dpi - xenocara/font/adobe-100dpi (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-adobe-75dpi/xorg-fonts-75dpi - xenocara-font-adobe-75dpi - xenocara/font/adobe-75dpi (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-fonts-alias - xenocara-font-alias - xenocara/font/alias (legacy software) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-arabic-misc/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-arabic-misc - xenocara/font/arabic-misc (legacy software - separated package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-bitstream-100dpi/xorg-fonts-100dpi - xenocara-font-bitstream-100dpi - xenocara/font/bitstream-100dpi (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-bitstream-75dpi/xorg-fonts-75dpi - xenocara-font-bitstream-75dpi - xenocara/font/bitstream-75dpi (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-bitstream-speedo - xenocara-font-bitstream-speedo - xenocara/font/bitstream-speedo (removed on xenocara - abandonware - new package/convert spd to pcf files) [version: 1.0.2] * xorg-font-bitstream-type1/xorg-fonts-type1 - xenocara-font-bitstream-type1 - xenocara/font/bitstream-type1 (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-bitstream-vera-ttf - xenocara-font-bitstream-vera-ttf - xenocara/font/bitstream-vera-ttf (not found on xorg sources/removed on xenocara source - abandonware/replaced by xenocara-font-dejavu-ttf - ignore package) [version: 1.10] * xorg-font-cronyx-cyrillic/xorg-fonts-cyrillic - xenocara-font-cronyx-cyrillic - xenocara/font/cronyx-cyrillic (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-dec-misc/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-dec-misc - xenocara/font/dec-misc (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * ttf-dejavu - xenocara-font-dejavu-ttf <3RDPARTY> - xenocara/font/dejavu-ttf (not found on xorg sources) [version: 2.37] * xorg-fonts-encodings - xenocara-font-encodings - xenocara/font/encodings (legacy software) [version: 1.0.4] * xorg-font-isas-misc/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-isas-misc - xenocara/font/isas-misc (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-micro-misc/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-micro-misc - xenocara/font/micro-misc (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-misc-cyrillic/xorg-fonts-cyrillic - xenocara-font-misc-cyrillic - xenocara/font/misc-cyrillic (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-misc-ethiopic/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-misc-ethiopic - xenocara/font/misc-ethiopic (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-misc-misc/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-misc-misc - xenocara/font/misc-misc (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.1.2] * xorg-font-mutt-misc/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-mutt-misc - xenocara/font/mutt-misc (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-schumacher-misc/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-schumacher-misc - xenocara/font/schumacher-misc (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.1.2] * xorg-font-screen-cyrillic/xorg-fonts-cyrillic - xenocara-font-screen-cyrillic - xenocara/font/screen-cyrillic (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.4] * xorg-font-sony-misc/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-sony-misc - xenocara/font/sony-misc (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-sun-misc/xorg-fonts-misc - xenocara-font-sun-misc - xenocara/font/sun-misc (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-util - xenocara-font-util - xenocara/font/util [version: 1.3.1] * xorg-font-winitzki-cyrillic/xorg-fonts-cyrillic - xenocara-font-winitzki-cyrillic - xenocara/font/winitzki-cyrillic (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.3] * xorg-font-xfree86-type1/xorg-fonts-type1 - xenocara-font-xfree86-type1 - xenocara/font/xfree86-type1 (legacy software - separate package) [version: 1.0.4] * - xenocara/font/adobe-utopia-100dpi (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/adobe-utopia-75dpi (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/adobe-utopia-type1 (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/bh-100dpi (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/bh-75dpi (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/bh-ttf (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/bh-type1 (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/cursor-misc (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/daewoo-misc (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/ibm-type1 (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/jis-misc (nonfree font - ignore package) * - xenocara/font/misc-meltho (nonfree font - ignore package) * xorg-server-utils - xenocara-server-utils - (meta package - remove package) * xorg-utils - xenocara-utils-meta - (meta package - remove package) * xorg-xkb-utils - xenocara-xkb-utils-meta - (meta package - remove package) * xorg-font-utils - xenocara-font-utils-meta - (meta package) * xorg - xenocara (group) * xorg-app - xenocara-app (group - new group) * xorg-apps - xenocara-apps (group - remove group) * xorg-data - xenocara-data (group - new group) * xorg-doc - xenocara-doc (group - new group) * xorg-driver - xenocara-driver (group - new group) * xorg-drivers - xenocara-drivers (group - remove group) * xorg-font - xenocara-font (group - new group) * xorg-lib - xenocara-lib (group - new group) * xorg-test - xenocara-test (group - new group) * xorg-util - xenocara-util (group - new group) | 0 | 0 | Complete |
TeX Live rebuilding | 2019-02-07 | Márcio Silva | TeX Live rebuilding: Packages sources (2017): * *<package> * *<package>.*.tar.xz # NEEDS CHECK NONFREE PACKAGE TO REMOVE LIST BELOW Libraries needed by TeX Live with patches (texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/libs): * cairo [version: 1.14.8 (TeX Live) | 1.14.8 (Hyperbola)] * freetype2 [version: 2.7.1 (TeX Live) | 2.7.1 (Hyperbola)] * gd [version: 2.2.4 (TeX Live) | 2.2.1 (Hyperbola)] * gmp [version: 6.1.2 (TeX Live) | 6.1.2 (Hyperbola)] * graphite2 (graphite) [version: 1.3.9 (TeX Live) | 1.3.10 (Hyperbola)] * harfbuzz [version: 1.4.6 (TeX Live)| 1.4.6 (Hyperbola)] * icu [version: 58.2 (TeX Live) | 59.1 (Hyperbola)] * libpaper [version: 1.1.24+nmu2 <debian> (TeX Live) | 1.1.24 (Hyperbola)] * libpng [version: 1.6.29 (TeX Live) | 1.6.29 (Hyperbola)] * lua52 [version: 5.2.4 (TeX Live) | 5.2.4 (Hyperbola)] * luajit [version: 2.1.0-beta2 (TeX Live) | 2.0.5 (Hyperbola)] * mpfr [version: 3.1.5 (TeX Live) | 3.1.5+p10 (Hyperbola)] * pixman [version: 0.34.0 (TeX Live) | 0.36.0 (Hyperbola)] * poppler [version: 0.52.0 (TeX Live) | 0.54.0 (Hyperbola)] * potrace [version: 1.14 (TeX Live) | 1.14 (Hyperbola)] * teckit [version: 2.5.6 (TeX Live) | - (Hyperbola)] - new package [] * xpdf [version: 3.04 (TeX Live) | 3.04 (Hyperbola)] * zlib [version: 1.2.11 (TeX Live) | 1.2.11 (Hyperbola)] * zziplib [version: 0.13.62 (TeX Live) | 0.13.66 (Hyperbola)] TeX Live core packages (texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz): * texlive-bin -> texlive-meta TeX Live Kpathsea (core) packages (texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk): * texlive-kpathsea-afm2pl [version: 0.7.1] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/afm2pl * texlive-kpathsea-bibtex-x [version: 3.71] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/bibtex-x * tex-core-kpathsea-chktex [version: 1.7.6] - ^ ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/chktex * tex-core-kpathsea-cjkutils [version: 4.8.4] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/cjkutils * tex-core-kpathsea-detex [version: 2.8] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/detex * tex-core-kpathsea-dtl [version: 0.6.0] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/dtl * tex-core-kpathsea-dvi2tty [version: 6.0.0] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/dvi2tty * texlive-kpathsea-dvidvi [version: 1.1] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/dvidvi * texlive-kpathsea-dviljk [version: 2.6p5] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/dviljk * texlive-kpathsea-dvipdfm-x [version: 2017-03-18] - TeX Live exclusive package - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/dvipdfm-x * tex-core-kpathsea-dvipng [version: 1.15] - ^ ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/dvipng * tex-core-kpathsea-dvipos [version: 2007-01-07] - N/A - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/dvipos * texlive-kpathsea-dvipsk [version: 5.997] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/dvipsk * tex-core-kpathsea-dvisvgm [version: 2.1.3] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/dvisvgm * tex-core-kpathsea-gregorio [version: 5.0.1] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/gregorio * tex-core-kpathsea-gsftopk [version: 1.19.2] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/gsftopk * texlive-kpathsea-kpathsea [version: 6.2.3] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/kpathsea * tex-core-kpathsea-lcdf-typetools [version: 2.106] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/lcdf-typetools * texlive-kpathsea-makeindexk [version: 2.15] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/makeindexk * texlive-kpathsea-makejvf [version: 1.1a] - TeX Live exclusive package - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/makejvf * texlive-kpathsea-mendexk [version: 2.6f] - TeX Live exclusive package - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/mendexk * tex-core-kpathsea-musixtnt [version: 2016-01-30] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/musixtnt * texlive-kpathsea-ps2pk [version: 1.8] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/ps2pk * tex-core-kpathsea-psutils [version: 1.23] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/psutils * texlive-kpathsea-ptexenc [version: 1.3.5] - TeX Live exclusive package - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/ptexenc * tex-core-kpathsea-seetexk [version: 1.1] - N/A - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/seetexk * tex-core-kpathsea-tex4htk [version: 2008-02-25] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/tex4htk * texlive-kpathsea-texlive [version: 2017] - TeX Live exclusive package - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/texlive * texlive-kpathsea-ttf2pk2 [version: 2.0] - TeX Live exclusive package - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/ttf2pk2 * texlive-kpathsea-ttfdump [version: 0.5.5] - TeX Live exclusive package - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/ttfdump * tex-core-kpathsea-upmendex [version: 0.50] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/upmendex * texlive-kpathsea-web2c [version: 2017] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-aleph [version: 1.15-2.1-rc4] - from web2c package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/alephdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-ctie [version: ?] - from web2c package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/ctiedir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-cweb [version: ?] - from web2c package ^ ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/cwebdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-eptex [version: 161114] - from web2c package ^ ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/eptexdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-etex [version: 2.6] - from web2c package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/etexdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-euptex [version: ?] - from web2c package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/euptexdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-luatex [version: ?] - from web2c package ^ ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/luatexdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-mflua [version: 0.8] - from web2c package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/mfluadir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-mfluajit [version: 0.8] - from web2c package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/mfluajitdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-mplib [version: ?] - from web2c package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/mplibdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-pdftex [version: 1.40.18] - from web2c package ^ ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/pdftexdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-pmpost [version: ?] - from web2c package - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/pmpostdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-ptex [version: p3.7.1] - from web2c package ^ ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/ptexdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-synctex [version: 1.18] - from web2c package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/synctexdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-tie [version: ?] - from web2c package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/tiedir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-uptex [version: u1.22] - from web2c package ^ ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/uptexdir * texlive-kpathsea-web2c-xetex [version: 0.99998] - from web2c package ^ ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/web2c/xetexdir * tex-core-kpathsea-xdvik [version: 22.87.03] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/texk/xdvik TeX Live utilities (core) packages (texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/utils): * tex-core-utils-asymptote [version: 2.41] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/asymptote * tex-core-utils-autosp [version: 2017-04-06] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/autosp * tex-core-utils-devnag [version: 2.15] - from devanagari package - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/devnag * tex-core-utils-devanagari [version: 2.17.1] - - none * texlive-utils-lacheck [version: 1.28] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/lacheck * tex-core-utils-m-tx [version: 0.62] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/m-tx * tex-core-utils-pmx [version: 2.7.6] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/pmx * tex-core-utils-ps2eps [version: 1.68] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/ps2eps * tex-core-utils-t1utils [version: 1.39] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/t1utils * texlive-utils-texdoctk [version: 0.6.1] - TeX Live exclusive package ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/texdoctk * tex-core-utils-tpic2pdftex [version: 1.97] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/tpic2pdftex * tex-core-utils-vlna [version: 1.5] - - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/vlna * tex-core-utils-xindy [version: 2.5.1] - * tex-core-utils-xpdfopen [version: 0.86] - ^ - texlive-20170524-source.tar.xz/util/xpdfopen TeX Live core packages ( * texlive-core -> tex-core-meta * tex-core-a2ping * tex-core-abbr * tex-core-abstyles * tex-core-accfonts * tex-core-adhocfilelist * tex-core-adobemapping * tex-core-ae * tex-core-aeguill * tex-core-afm2pl * tex-core-amscls * tex-core-amsfonts * tex-core-amsmath * tex-core-anysize * tex-core-apalike-german * tex-core-apnum * tex-core-arabxetex * tex-core-arara * tex-core-armtex * tex-core-asymptote * tex-core-autoaligne * tex-core-automata * tex-core-avantgar * tex-core-awesomebox * tex-core-babel * tex-core-babel-albanian * tex-core-babel-basque * tex-core-babel-bosnian * tex-core-babel-breton * tex-core-babel-catalan * tex-core-babel-croatian * tex-core-babel-czech * tex-core-babel-danish * tex-core-babel-dutch * tex-core-babel-english * tex-core-babel-estonian * tex-core-babel-finnish * tex-core-babel-french * tex-core-babel-friulan * tex-core-babel-galician * tex-core-babel-german * tex-core-babel-hungarian * tex-core-babel-icelandic * tex-core-babel-irish * tex-core-babel-italian * tex-core-babel-kurmanji * tex-core-babel-latin * tex-core-babel-latvian * tex-core-babel-macedonian * tex-core-babel-norsk * tex-core-babel-occitan * tex-core-babel-piedmontese * tex-core-babel-polish * tex-core-babel-portuges * tex-core-babel-romanian * tex-core-babel-romansh * tex-core-babel-samin * tex-core-babel-scottish * tex-core-babel-slovak * tex-core-babel-slovenian * tex-core-babel-spanglish * tex-core-babel-spanish * tex-core-babel-swedish * tex-core-babel-turkish * tex-core-babel-welsh * tex-core-babelbib * tex-core-barr * tex-core-basque-book * tex-core-basque-date * tex-core-bbcard * tex-core-beamer * tex-core-bib-fr * tex-core-bibleref-french * tex-core-bibleref-german * tex-core-bibtex * tex-core-bibtex8 * tex-core-bidi * tex-core-bidi-atbegshi * tex-core-bidicontour * tex-core-bidipagegrid * tex-core-bidipresentation * tex-core-bidishadowtext * tex-core-bitelist * tex-core-blockdraw_mp * tex-core-bookman * tex-core-booktabs * tex-core-borceux * tex-core-bpolynomial * tex-core-bredzenie * tex-core-breqn * tex-core-bundledoc * tex-core-c90 * tex-core-caption * tex-core-carlisle * tex-core-catcodes * tex-core-cc-pl * tex-core-charter * tex-core-checkcites * tex-core-checklisting * tex-core-chickenize * tex-core-chktex * tex-core-chronosys * tex-core-cite * tex-core-cjk * tex-core-cjk-gs-integrate * tex-core-cjkpunct * tex-core-cjkutils * tex-core-cm * tex-core-cm-super * tex-core-cmap * tex-core-cmarrows * tex-core-cmextra * tex-core-cnbwp * tex-core-codicefiscaleitaliano * tex-core-colorsep * tex-core-colortbl * tex-core-combofont * tex-core-context * tex-core-context-account * tex-core-context-algorithmic * tex-core-context-animation * tex-core-context-annotation * tex-core-context-bnf * tex-core-context-chromato * tex-core-context-cmscbf * tex-core-context-cmttbf * tex-core-context-construction-plan * tex-core-context-cyrillicnumbers * tex-core-context-degrade * tex-core-context-fancybreak * tex-core-context-filter * tex-core-context-french * tex-core-context-fullpage * tex-core-context-gantt * tex-core-context-gnuplot * tex-core-context-inifile * tex-core-context-layout * tex-core-context-letter * tex-core-context-lettrine * tex-core-context-mathsets * tex-core-context-rst * tex-core-context-ruby * tex-core-context-simplefonts * tex-core-context-simpleslides * tex-core-context-title * tex-core-context-transliterator * tex-core-context-typearea * tex-core-context-typescripts * tex-core-context-vim * tex-core-context-visualcounter * tex-core-courier * tex-core-c-pascal * tex-core-crop * tex-core-cs * tex-core-csbulletin * tex-core-cslatex * tex-core-csplain * tex-core-cstypo * tex-core-ctable * tex-core-ctablestack * tex-core-ctanify * tex-core-ctanupload * tex-core-cweb * tex-core-dehyph-exptl * tex-core-de-macro * tex-core-dhua * tex-core-dinat * tex-core-dirtree * tex-core-dnp * tex-core-docbytex * tex-core-dosepsbin * tex-core-dowith * tex-core-droit-fr * tex-core-drv * tex-core-dtxgen * tex-core-dviasm * tex-core-dviincl * tex-core-dviinfox * tex-core-dvipdfx * tex-core-dvips * tex-core-dvipsconfig * tex-core-e-french * tex-core-ec * tex-core-eijkhout * tex-core-emp * tex-core-enctex * tex-core-encxvlna * tex-core-enigma * tex-core-epigram * tex-core-epsf * tex-core-epsf-dvipdfmx * tex-core-epsincl * tex-core-epstopdf * tex-core-eso-pic * tex-core-etex * tex-core-etex-pkg * tex-core-etoolbox * tex-core-euenc * tex-core-euler * tex-core-euro * tex-core-euro-ce * tex-core-eurosym * tex-core-expressg * tex-core-exteps * tex-core-extsizes * tex-core-facture * tex-core-fancybox * tex-core-fancyhdr * tex-core-fancyref * tex-core-fancyvrb * tex-core-featpost * tex-core-fenixpar * tex-core-feupphdteses * tex-core-feynmf * tex-core-feynmp-auto * tex-core-figflow * tex-core-filehook * tex-core-finbib * tex-core-findhyph * tex-core-fix2col * tex-core-fixjfm * tex-core-fixlatvian * tex-core-fixltxhyph * tex-core-fixpdfmag * tex-core-float * tex-core-fltpoint * tex-core-fntproof * tex-core-fontbook * tex-core-fontch * tex-core-font-change * tex-core-font-change-xetex * tex-core-fontinst * tex-core-fontloader-luaotfload * tex-core-fontname * tex-core-fontools * tex-core-fontspec * tex-core-fontwrap * tex-core-fp * tex-core-fpl * tex-core-fragmaster * tex-core-frletter * tex-core-frontespizio * tex-core-garrigues * tex-core-garuda-c90 * tex-core-gates * tex-core-genmisc * tex-core-geometry * tex-core-german * tex-core-germbib * tex-core-germkorr * tex-core-getoptk * tex-core-gfnotation * tex-core-gloss-occitan * tex-core-glyphlist * tex-core-gmp * tex-core-gobble * tex-core-graphics * tex-core-graphics-cfg * tex-core-graphics-def * tex-core-graphics-pln * tex-core-gsftopk * tex-core-gtl * tex-core-gustlib * tex-core-hatching * tex-core-hausarbeit-jura * tex-core-helvetic | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Java removal | 2019-02-06 | Márcio Silva | Removal reasons: * Trademark: OpenJDK is trademarked and is not to be distributed without modification unless all branding is removed. * Security: Java has been one of the most common infection vectors for GNU/Linux. Poor coding practices in JVM have resulted in many popular cross-platform exploits. * Packaging Standards: All current PKGBUILDs that were inherited from Arch are "dirty" in the sense that they download various pre-compiled and pre-packaged binaries. These are a risk to our users. To properly build them requires several hundred additional PKGBUILDs and the time to rebuild Java from scratch. This would require considerable effort and is not currently feesable at this time. Further details: * Java security: * Criticism of Java: * OpenJDK Trademark Notice: * Cat-v.ORG's article: Rebuild without Java: * anjuta /usr/share/anjuta/templates/java/src/ * arduino (needs rebuild firmware - Wifi101) * awstats * bazel * bigloo /usr/bin/jigloo.class * bison /usr/share/bison/ * cordova * dart * elasticsearch (build with other language: * emscripten * erlang * erlang-nox * facter /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/facter.jar * fpc-src * gambas3-ide * geany * gettext /usr/share/gettext/javaversion.class * gitlab /usr/share/webapps/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/http_parser.rb-0.6.0/ext/ruby_http_parser/vendor/http-parser-java/ext/primitives.jar * gpsbabel * kdelibs /usr/share/apps/kjava/kjava.jar * khtml /usr/share/kf5/kjava/kjava.jar * kodi-dev /usr/share/doc/kodi/kodi-eventclients-dev/examples/java/ * kompozer * kompozer-i18n-* * lazarus /usr/lib/lazarus/examples/androidlcl/android/src/com/pascal/lcltest/ * libbluray /usr/share/java/libbluray-j2se-1.0.0.jar * libjpeg-turbo /usr/share/classes/turbojpeg.jar * libreoffice-still * libreoffice-still-l10n-* * libreoffice-still-sdk * metasploit * moinmoin * nim /usr/share/nim/doc/examples/cross_calculator/android/src/com/github/nimrod/crosscalculator/ * nodejs-emojione * pfff * phonegap * polymake /usr/lib/polymake/jars/polymake_java.jar * portmidi /usr/share/java/pmdefaults.jar * python2-pygame /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygame/examples/macosx/aliens_app_example/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/ * qbs * qt5-examples /usr/share/doc/qt/examples/androidextras/notification/android-sources/src/org/qtproject/example/notification/ * qtcreator /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/files/java/ * r /usr/share/R/java/getsp.class * rubinius (json) * ruby (json) * ruby-eventmachine * ruby-hitimes * ruby-nio4r * ruby2.3 * sage-notebook /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagenb/data/sage3d/lib/sage3d.jar * source-highlight * spring * subversion /usr/lib/svn-javahl/svn-javahl.jar * texlive-core * texlive-htmlxml /usr/share/texmf-dist/tex4ht/bin/tex4ht.jar * texlive-latexextra /usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/pax/pax.jar * umbrello /usr/share/umbrello5/headings/ * unifi (needs rebuild firmware - nonfree?) * vagrant (erubis) * vtk /usr/share/java/vtk/vtk.jar * vtk6 (replace with vtk) /opt/vtk6/share/java/vtk/vtk.jar * wxpython /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Editra/tests/syntax/ * xmlstarlet * zsh /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_java * zsh-completions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_archlinux-java | 0 | 0 | Complete |
GTK+ 3 migration | 2019-02-05 | Márcio Silva | As GTK+3 follows the same goals than our packaging guidelines in stability and security concerns, we have decided to remove GTK+ 2 and use GTK+ 3 as our default provider of multimedia hardware library. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on gtk3* or link to gtk3 libraries. | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Remove unused packages | 2019-02-05 | Márcio Silva | In order to remove vulnerable and unneeded baggage carried over from our original Arch Snapshot, we are deleting all unused packages. | 0 | 0 | Complete |
SDL 2 migration | 2019-02-05 | Márcio Silva | As SDL 2 follows the same goals than our packaging guidelines in stability and security concerns, we have decided to remove SDL 1 and use SDL 2 as our default provider of multimedia hardware library. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on sdl* or link to libSDL*.so* | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Tauthon and Python 3 migration | 2019-02-04 | Márcio Silva | As Tauthon follows the same goals than our packaging guidelines in stability and security concerns, we have decided to remove Python 2 and use Tauthon and Python 3 as our default provider of Python language. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on python2 or link to Python 2 libraries and scripts. | 0 | 0 | Complete |
KDE Plasma LTS migration | 2019-02-04 | Márcio Silva | As KDE Plasma (5.8 or 5.12) LTS follows the same goals than our packaging guidelines in stability and security concerns, we have decided to remove KDE Plasma and use KDE Plasma (5.8 or 5.12) LTS as our default provider of Desktop environment. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on KDE Plasma or link to KDE Plasma libraries. | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Qt LTS migration | 2019-02-04 | Márcio Silva | As Qt (5.6 or 5.9 or 5.12) LTS follows the same goals than our packaging guidelines in stability and security concerns, we have decided to remove Qt4/Qt5 and use Qt (5.6 or 5.9 or 5.12) LTS as our default provider of Widget toolkit/Application framework. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on qt4/qt5* or link to libQt* | 0 | 0 | Complete |
GraphicsMagick migration | 2019-02-04 | Márcio Silva | As GraphicsMagick follows the same goals than our packaging guidelines in stability and security concerns, we have decided to remove ImageMagick and use GraphicsMagick as our default provider of Graphics software. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on imagemagick or link to libMagick** | 0 | 0 | Complete |
Remove remnants of systemd | 2019-02-03 | Márcio Silva | systemd has been replaced by OpenRC as the default init system in Milky Way v0.2, however there are still remnants of systemd in some packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have remnants of systemd such as systemd-sysusers, systemd-tmpfiles, service unit files, etc. Further details: | 0 | 0 | Complete |
sndio migration | 2019-02-03 | Márcio Silva | As sndio follows the same goals as our packaging guidelines in stability and security concerns, we have decided to remove PulseAudio and use sndio as our default provider of sound server. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on pulseaudio/libpulse or link to libpulse*.so* PulseAudio removal reasons: * Has buffering issues which cause sound to stutter, jitter, and basically sound like crap. * Doesn’t actually support some of the sampling rates it advertises to clients (eg. insufficient checking on its operational parameters). * Almost never works with the hardware mixer (eg. changing volume either creates noise, doesn’t work, or mutes the whole channel and makes it UN-adjustable). * Skips and jitters in scenarios with other system services as they try to do (often very little) tasks on the system. * Misidentifies mixer controls (eg. headphone port is wrong or missing, line out is mismatched). * Bugs out or overreacts to sound events like removing a headphone from the headphone jack. * SIGSEGV then takes some client apps with it. * Often skips or jitters the audio while adjusting volume. * Breaks or jitters input streams when adjusting line-in or mic volume. * Often has a freak out when one client plays at one rate then another client uses a faster rate. The first (slower) client then goes at the higher rate and you get Alvin and the Chipmunks. Further details: * sndio implementation reasons: * Provides a lightweight audio & MIDI server * Fully documented user-space API to access either the server or directly the hardware in a uniform way. * Designed to work for desktop applications, but pays special attention to synchronization mechanisms and reliability required by music applications. * Perform re-sampling and format conversions; for instance to allow a program that requires 44.1 kHz sample frequency to use a device that supports 48 kHz only. * Mix and route the sound of multiple programs; this allows multiple programs to use the audio device concurrently. * Split an audio device into sub-devices, for instance allowing one program to use the front speakers and another program to use the rear speakers as they were independent simple stereo devices. * Allow one program to record what other programs play. * Route audio and MIDI data through the network; this allows programs running on one computer to use the sound card of another computer. * Route MIDI data between programs, allowing one program to send MIDI data to another program as it was a hardware MIDI port. For instance for a MIDI sequencer to control a soft synthesizer. * Start, stop and relocate synchronously a group of audio programs allowing multiple small programs to work together. This can be controlled through standard MIDI Machine Control (MMC) protocol, for instance from within a MIDI sequencer. * Expose the sound card clock as MIDI timecode (MTC), allowing MIDI programs (eg. sequencers) or MIDI hardware to be synchronized to audio streams. Further details: * Add sndio packages: * lib32-libsndio * libsndio * sndio * <plasma-sndio ?> * <projectm-sndio ?> (needs a sndio port) * <sndio-alsa ?> * <sndio-bluetooth ?> * <sndio-equalizer ?> * <sndio-gconf ?> * <sndio-jack ?> * <sndio-lirc ?> * <sndio-oss ?> * <sndio mixer ?> (like pamixer or ponymix) * <sndio preferences ?> (like paprefs) * <sndio volume control ?> (like pavucontrol) * <xfce4-sndio-plugin ?> (needs a sndio port) Remove pulseaudio packages: * empathy * lib32-libasyncns * lib32-libcanberra-pulse * lib32-libpulse * libasyncns * libcanberra-pulse * libpulse * pamixer * paprefs * pavucontrol * pavucontrol-qt * plasma-pa * ponymix * projectm-pulseaudio * pulseaudio * pulseaudio-alsa * pulseaudio-bluetooth * pulseaudio-equalizer * pulseaudio-gconf * pulseaudio-jack * pulseaudio-lirc * pulseaudio-zeroconf * xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin Rebuild packages without pulseaudio and/or with sndio: * a52dec * allegro * allegro-legacy * alsa-plugins (needs a sndio port) * audacious-plugins * audacity * avidemux * avidemux-cli * blueman * cairo-dock-plug-ins * cdemu-daemon * celt * cinnamon-desktop * cinnamon-settings-daemon * clementine * cmus * conky * deadbeef * deepin-api * deepin-daemon * deepin-go-lib * deepin-metacity * deepin-mutter * dolphin-emu * dosbox * efl * enlightenment16 * espeak * festival * ffmpeg (sndio support) * ffmpeg2.8 (sndio support) * flite * fluidsynth * freerdp * gens * gens-gs * gespeaker * gogglesmm * gmerlin * gnome-bluetooth * gnome-settings-daemon * gnome-shell * gnunet * gqrx * gst-plugins-base * gst-plugins-good * gtk-vnc * guvcview * higan * hydrogen * i3status * iceape-uxp * icedove-uxp * iceweasel-uxp * java7-openjdk * java8-openjdk * jdk7-openjdk * jdk8-openjdk * jre7-openjdk * jre8-openjdk * julius * kdemultimedia-kmix * kmix * kodi * lib32-alsa-plugins * lib32-fluidsynth * lib32-gst-plugins-base * lib32-gst-plugins-good * lib32-libao * lib32-libcanberra * lib32-libcanberra-sndio * lib32-libmikmod * lib32-openal * lib32-sdl * lib32-sdl2 * libao * libcanberra * libcanberra-gstreamer * libcanberra-sndio * libdca * libmatemixer * libmikmod * libquicktime * libringclient * libsndfile * linphone * lmms * lxqt-panel * mate-settings-daemon * mediastreamer * moc * mpg123 * mumble * musescore * mythtv * openal * opus-tools * ossp * pcsx2 * phonon * phonon-qt4 * phonon-qt4-gstreamer * phonon-qt5 * phonon-qt5-gstreamer * plasma-meta * plib * portaudio * portmidi * projectm * ptlib * qemu * qemu-headless * qmmp * qt5-base * qt5-multimedia * retroarch * ring * ring-daemon * scummvm * sdl * sdl2 * shairport-sync * simplescreenrecorder * sonic-visualiser * sox * speech-dispatcher * speex * spice-glib * spice-gtk3 * squeak-vm * transcode * vice * vibe * vlc * wine-stable * xine-lib * xmms2 | 0 | 0 | Complete |
initcpio directory in /lib instead of /usr/lib | 2019-01-27 | André Silva | For FHS reasons, our initcpio directory (to store mkinitcpio's build time and early userspace runtime hooks) has been moved from /usr/lib to /lib in Milky Way v0.3. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on mkinitcpio or link to initcpio directory. Further details: | 0 | 0 | Complete |
firmware directory in /lib instead of /usr/lib | 2019-01-27 | André Silva | For FHS reasons, our firmware directory (to store firmware for in-kernel drivers) has been moved from /usr/lib to /lib in Milky Way v0.3. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a link to firmware directory. Further details: | 0 | 0 | Complete |
modules directory in /lib instead of /usr/lib | 2019-01-27 | André Silva | For FHS reasons, our modules directory (to store kernel modules) has been moved from /usr/lib to /lib in Milky Way v0.3. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a link to modules directory. Further details: | 0 | 0 | Complete |
security directory in /lib instead of /usr/lib | 2019-01-27 | André Silva | For FHS reasons, our security directory (to store PAM dynamically loadable object files) has been moved from /usr/lib to /lib in Milky Way v0.3. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on pam or link to security directory. Further details: | 0 | 0 | Complete |
udev directory in /lib instead of /usr/lib | 2019-01-27 | André Silva | For FHS reasons, our udev directory has been moved from /usr/lib to /lib in Milky Way v0.3. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on eudev or link to udev directory. Further details: | 0 | 0 | Complete |
[core] rebuild | 2019-01-26 | André Silva | It is a todo list of packages from Core repository that need be adapted in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract. Further details: | 0 | 0 | Complete |
LibreSSL migration | 2019-01-26 | André Silva | As LibreSSL follows the same goals than our packaging guidelines in stability and security concerns, we have decided to remove OpenSSL and use LibreSSL as our default provider of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. Every linked packages needs to be rebuild. There will likely be broken packages. It is a todo list of packages that either have a direct dependency on openssl or openssl-1.0 or lib32-openssl or lib32-openssl-1.0 or link to or or or Further details: | 0 | 0 | Complete |