1212 matching packages found. Page 1 of 13.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra i3status 2.13-2 Generates status bar to use for example with i3bar or dzen2 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-bad 1.18.4-6 Multimedia graph framework - bad plugins 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra snac 2.51-1 A simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra cifs-utils 7.0-1 CIFS filesystem user-space tools 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-good 1.18.3-3 Multimedia graph framework - good plugins 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra mpc 0.34-1 Minimalist command line interface to MPD 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra rspamd 2.7-4 Fast, free and libre spam filtering system 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra ympd 1.3.0-3 A standalone MPD Web GUI 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra ghostxps 9.53.3-3 An interpreter for the XPS document language 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra gutenprint 5.3.3-2 Top quality printer drivers for POSIX systems 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-bad-libs 1.18.4-6 Multimedia graph framework - bad 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra geany 1.38-1 Fast and lightweight IDE 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra gst-plugin-gtk 1.18.3-3 Multimedia graph framework - gtk plugin 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra ghostpcl 9.53.3-3 An interpreter for the PCL 6 language 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra xmms2 0.8-2 X-platform Music Multiplexing System 2 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra monit 5.32.0-2 Utility for managing and monitoring processes, files, directories and devices on a UNIX system 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra mariadb 10.3.24-9 Fast SQL database server, drop-in replacement for MySQL 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra libcups 2.3.3-5 The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra lmms 1.2.2-3 Free, libre and sophisticated digital audio workstation 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra appstream-glib 0.7.18-3 Objects and methods for reading and writing AppStream metadata 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra cups 2.3.3-5 The CUPS Printing System - daemon package 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra pidgin 2.14.1-4 Multi-protocol instant messaging client 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra nestopia 1.52.0-1 An NES emulator featuring cycle exact emulation, a ridiculous number of mappers, and lots of custom sound chips. 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra gst-plugin-qmlgl 1.18.3-3 Multimedia graph framework - qmlgl plugin 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra gst-plugin-opencv 1.18.4-6 Multimedia graph framework - opencv plugin 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra emacs 29.2-1 The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra ghostscript 9.53.3-3 An interpreter for the PostScript language 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra ncmpcpp 0.9.2-2 Almost exact clone of ncmpc with some new features 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra stagit-gopher 1.2-1 Static gopher site generator for git version control 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra stagit 1.2-1 Static site generator for git version control 2024-04-12
i686 Extra geany 1.38-1 Fast and lightweight IDE 2024-04-12
i686 Extra ghostxps 9.53.3-3 An interpreter for the XPS document language 2024-04-12
i686 Extra emacs 29.2-1 The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor 2024-04-12
i686 Extra monit 5.32.0-2 Utility for managing and monitoring processes, files, directories and devices on a UNIX system 2024-04-12
i686 Extra appstream-glib 0.7.18-3 Objects and methods for reading and writing AppStream metadata 2024-04-12
i686 Extra pidgin 2.14.1-4 Multi-protocol instant messaging client 2024-04-12
i686 Extra mariadb 10.3.24-9 Fast SQL database server, drop-in replacement for MySQL 2024-04-12
i686 Extra gst-plugins-bad-libs 1.18.4-6 Multimedia graph framework - bad 2024-04-12
i686 Extra mpc 0.34-1 Minimalist command line interface to MPD 2024-04-12
i686 Extra nestopia 1.52.0-1 An NES emulator featuring cycle exact emulation, a ridiculous number of mappers, and lots of custom sound chips. 2024-04-12
i686 Extra gst-plugin-opencv 1.18.4-6 Multimedia graph framework - opencv plugin 2024-04-12
i686 Extra lmms 1.2.2-3 Free, libre and sophisticated digital audio workstation 2024-04-12
i686 Extra gst-plugin-gtk 1.18.3-3 Multimedia graph framework - gtk plugin 2024-04-12
i686 Extra gst-plugins-good 1.18.3-3 Multimedia graph framework - good plugins 2024-04-12
i686 Extra ncmpcpp 0.9.2-2 Almost exact clone of ncmpc with some new features 2024-04-12
i686 Extra ghostscript 9.53.3-3 An interpreter for the PostScript language 2024-04-12
i686 Extra ympd 1.3.0-3 A standalone MPD Web GUI 2024-04-12
i686 Extra snac 2.51-1 A simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance 2024-04-12
i686 Extra gst-plugin-qmlgl 1.18.3-3 Multimedia graph framework - qmlgl plugin 2024-04-12
i686 Extra ghostpcl 9.53.3-3 An interpreter for the PCL 6 language 2024-04-12
i686 Extra rspamd 2.7-4 Fast, free and libre spam filtering system 2024-04-12
i686 Extra gst-plugins-bad 1.18.4-6 Multimedia graph framework - bad plugins 2024-04-12
i686 Extra gutenprint 5.3.3-2 Top quality printer drivers for POSIX systems 2024-04-12
i686 Extra cups 2.3.3-5 The CUPS Printing System - daemon package 2024-04-12
i686 Extra libcups 2.3.3-5 The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers 2024-04-12
i686 Extra cifs-utils 7.0-1 CIFS filesystem user-space tools 2024-04-12
i686 Extra i3status 2.13-2 Generates status bar to use for example with i3bar or dzen2 2024-04-12
i686 Extra xmms2 0.8-2 X-platform Music Multiplexing System 2 2024-04-12
i686 Extra stagit 1.2-1 Static site generator for git version control 2024-04-12
i686 Extra stagit-gopher 1.2-1 Static gopher site generator for git version control 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-et-EE Spell checking support for Estonian (Estonia) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-en-US Spell checking support for English (United States) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-de-AT Spell checking support for German (Austria) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-en-AU Spell checking support for English (Australia) 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra fuse3 3.10.3-3 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. 2024-03-12
x86_64 Extra briquolo 0.5.7-2 Fast paced 3D Breakout game 2024-03-12
x86_64 Extra asc Advanced Strategic Command is a free and libre turn-based strategy game 2024-03-12
x86_64 Extra megaglest 3.13.0-3 A free and libre 3D real-time strategy game in a fantastic world 2024-03-12
x86_64 Extra fuse2 2.9.9-2 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. 2024-03-12
x86_64 Extra teeworlds 0.7.5-3 Fast-paced, free and libre multiplayer 2D shooter game 2024-03-12
x86_64 Extra partclone 0.3.13-3 Utilities to save and restore used blocks on a partition 2024-03-12
x86_64 Extra weechat-legacy 3.4.1-1 Fast, light and extensible IRC client with curses UI (legacy version) 2024-03-12
x86_64 Extra wyrmsun-legacy 3.5.4-1 Real-time strategy game based on history, mythology and fiction (legacy version) 2024-03-12
i686 Extra megaglest 3.13.0-3 A free and libre 3D real-time strategy game in a fantastic world 2024-03-12
i686 Extra partclone 0.3.13-3 Utilities to save and restore used blocks on a partition 2024-03-12
i686 Extra teeworlds 0.7.5-3 Fast-paced, free and libre multiplayer 2D shooter game 2024-03-12
i686 Extra briquolo 0.5.7-2 Fast paced 3D Breakout game 2024-03-12
i686 Extra asc Advanced Strategic Command is a free and libre turn-based strategy game 2024-03-12
i686 Extra fuse2 2.9.9-2 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. 2024-03-12
i686 Extra fuse3 3.10.3-3 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. 2024-03-12
i686 Extra weechat-legacy 3.4.1-1 Fast, light and extensible IRC client with curses UI (legacy version) 2024-03-12
i686 Extra wyrmsun-legacy 3.5.4-1 Real-time strategy game based on history, mythology and fiction (legacy version) 2024-03-12
x86_64 Extra cmake 3.25.1-4 A cross-platform free software make system 2024-03-11
x86_64 Extra conky-legacy 1.11.6-1 Lightweight system monitor for X (legacy version) 2024-03-11
i686 Extra cmake 3.25.1-4 A cross-platform free software make system 2024-03-11
i686 Extra conky-legacy 1.11.6-1 Lightweight system monitor for X (legacy version) 2024-03-11
any Extra fuglu 1.1.0-4 A mail content scanner for Postfix written in Python 2024-03-11
any Extra perl-test-nowarnings 1.04-5 Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing 2024-03-11
any Extra perl-module-build 0.4231-2 Build and install Perl modules 2024-03-11
any Extra perl-inc-latest 0.500-2 Use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than installed ones 2024-03-11
any Extra perl-test-deep 1.130-2 Extremely flexible deep comparison 2024-03-11
any Extra docbook-xsl 1.79.2-4 XML stylesheets for Docbook-xml transformations 2024-03-11
x86_64 Extra ntfs-3g 2021.8.22-2 NTFS filesystem driver and utilities 2024-03-07
i686 Extra ntfs-3g 2021.8.22-2 NTFS filesystem driver and utilities 2024-03-07
x86_64 Core util-linux 2.36.1-7 Miscellaneous system utilities for GNU/Linux 2024-03-05
i686 Core util-linux 2.36.1-7 Miscellaneous system utilities for GNU/Linux 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra endless-sky 0.9.14-2 A sandbox-style space exploration and combat game 2024-02-02
i686 Extra endless-sky 0.9.14-2 A sandbox-style space exploration and combat game 2024-02-02
x86_64 Extra pass 1.7.3-2 Stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely 2024-02-01
x86_64 Extra wbar 2.3.4-2 Free software light and fast launch bar 2024-02-01

1212 matching packages found. Page 1 of 13.

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