15 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
i686 Extra bdsup2subpp 1.0.3-1 Subtitle conversion tool for image based stream formats with scaling capabilities and some other nice features. 2022-02-10
x86_64 Extra bdsup2subpp 1.0.3-1 Subtitle conversion tool for image based stream formats with scaling capabilities and some other nice features. 2022-02-10
i686 Extra libass 0.15.0-1 A portable library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering 2021-03-13
x86_64 Extra libass 0.15.0-1 A portable library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering 2022-09-17
i686 Extra libtiff 4.2.0-3 Library for manipulation of TIFF images 2023-05-24
x86_64 Extra libtiff 4.2.0-3 Library for manipulation of TIFF images 2023-05-24
i686 Extra libtiger 0.3.4-1 A rendering library for Kate streams using Pango and Cairo 2022-09-17
x86_64 Extra libtiger 0.3.4-1 A rendering library for Kate streams using Pango and Cairo 2022-09-19
i686 Core libtirpc 1.2.6-1 Transport Independent RPC library (SunRPC replacement) 2020-10-15
x86_64 Core libtirpc 1.2.6-1 Transport Independent RPC library (SunRPC replacement) 2020-10-15
any Extra subdl 1.1.2-1 A command-line tool for downloading subtitles 2024-01-15
i686 Extra subtitleeditor 0.54.0-1 A GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra subtitleeditor 0.54.0-1 A GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles 2024-01-15
i686 Extra subtitleripper 0.5.2-1 DVD subtitle to text converter 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra subtitleripper 0.5.2-1 DVD subtitle to text converter 2024-01-15

15 matching packages found.

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