291 matching packages found. Page 2 of 3.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
i686 Extra python-pynacl 1.4.0-1 Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-cython 0.29.21-1 C-Extensions for Python 2022-09-20
i686 Extra python-pyqt-sip 12.8.1-1 The sip module support for PyQt 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-dulwich 0.20.15-1 Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols 2022-09-20
i686 Extra python-pygobject 3.38.0-2 Python bindings for GObject 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-pyxattr 0.7.2-1 A Python extension module that allows you to manipulate the extended attributes. 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-zope-hookable 5.1.0-1 Represents the core of the Zope hookable Architecture for Python 2024-01-15
i686 Extra tauthon-wxpython3 Classic wxWidgets GUI toolkit for Python 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-pyside 1.2.4-1 Provides Qt bindings for Python and related tools for binding generation 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-miniupnpc 2.2.1-1 Python bindings for miniupnpc 2022-09-20
i686 Extra python-psutil 5.7.3-1 A cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python 2022-09-20
i686 Extra python-pjproject 2.10-1 Free software SIP and media stack 2022-09-20
i686 Extra libftdi 1.5-1 A library to talk to FTDI chips, optional python bindings. 2022-09-16
i686 Extra python-pylibacl 0.6.0-1 A python extension module that allows you to manipulate the POSIX.1e ACLs. 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-scrypt 0.8.19-1 Bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-pylink 3.0.0-1 Multi-network IRC Services & server-side relayer 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-fastecdsa 2.2.3-1 Python library for fast elliptic curve crypto 2022-09-20
i686 Extra python-shiboken2 5.15.2-1 Generates bindings for C++ libraries using CPython source code 2024-01-15
i686 Extra shiboken 1.2.4-1 CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries 2024-01-15
i686 Extra shiboken2 5.15.2-1 Generates bindings for C++ libraries using CPython source code 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-regex 2021.7.6-1 Alternative python regular expression module. 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-sqlalchemy 1.3.22-1 Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-reportlab 3.5.59-1 A proven industry-strength PDF generating solution 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-websockets 8.1-1 Python implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455) 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-pyrsistent 0.15.5-1 Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures 2024-01-15
i686 Extra tauthon-cffi 1.14.3-0 Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-markupsafe 1.1.1-0 Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python 2022-09-20
i686 Extra tauthon-markupsafe 1.1.1-0 Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-cryptography 3.1-0 A package designed to expose cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers 2022-09-20
i686 Extra python-mariadb-connector 1.0.11-1 A Python DB API 2.0 compliant API for access to MariaDB and MySQL databases 2022-09-20
i686 Extra uwsgi-plugin-python 2.0.15-2 Plugin for Python-support for uwsgi 2024-01-15
i686 Extra sip 1:4.19.25-1 A tool that makes it easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-zope-interface 5.4.0-1 Zope Interfaces for Python 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-patiencediff 0.2.1-1 Patiencediff Python and C implementations 2022-09-20
i686 Extra tauthon 2.8.2-5 Fork of Python 2.7 with new syntax, builtins, and libraries backported from Python 3 2024-03-05
i686 Extra python-shiboken 1.2.4-1 Support library for Python bindings 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-kiwisolver 1.3.1-1 A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver 2022-09-20
any Extra redo-python 0.42c-1 Redo implementation in Python. 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-m2crypto 0.36.0-1 A crypto and SSL toolkit for Python 2022-09-20
any Extra tauthon-asn1crypto 1.4.0-1 Tauthon ASN.1 library with a focus on performance and a pythonic API 2024-01-15
i686 Extra python-brotli 1.0.9-1 Brotli compression library 2022-09-20
i686 Extra python-distlib 0.3.2-1 Low-level components of distutils2/packaging 2022-09-20
any Extra tauthon-enum34 1.1.6-1 Python 3.4 Enum backported 2024-01-15
any Extra tauthon-wheel 0.37.0-3 A built-package format for Python 2024-01-15
any Extra mypy 0.812-1 Optional static typing for Python 2 and 3 (PEP484) 2022-09-19
any Extra python-dateutil 2.8.1-1 Provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module 2022-09-20
any Extra python-fasteners 0.14.1-1 A python package that provides useful locks. 2022-09-20
any Extra python-distro 1.6.0-1 OS platform information API 2022-09-20
any Extra python-packaging 20.4-1 Core utilities for Python packages 2022-09-20
any Extra python-dataclasses 0.8-1 Implementation of PEP 557, Data Classes. 2022-09-20
any Extra python-pycparser 2.20-1 C parser and AST generator written in Python 2022-09-20
any Extra tauthon-jinja 2.11.3-1 A simple pythonic template language written in Python 2024-01-15
any Extra python-markdown-math 0.8-1 Math extension for Python-Markdown 2022-09-20
any Extra python-nose 1.3.7-4 A discovery-based unittest extension 2022-09-20
any Extra tauthon-setuptools-scm 5.0.2-1 Handles managing your python package versions in scm metadata 2024-01-15
any Extra python-feedgenerator 1.9-1 Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator (python3). 2022-09-20
any Extra python-chardet 3.0.4-1 Python module for character encoding auto-detection 2022-09-20
any Extra python-certifi 2020.6.20-1 Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle 2022-09-20
any Extra tauthon-platformdirs 2.2.0-1 A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir" 2024-01-15
any Extra python-beaker 1.10.0-0 Caching and sessions WSGI middleware for use with web applications and stand-alone Python scripts and applications 2022-09-20
any Extra python-dkim 1.0.5-1 Python library that implements DKIM and ARC email signing and verification 2022-09-20
x86_64 Extra python-pyalsa 1.2.7-1 Python binding for the ALSA library 2023-11-23
any Extra python-py 1.10.0-1 Advanced Python development support library 2022-09-20
any Extra tauthon-toml 0.10.2-1 A Python library for parsing and creating TOML 2024-01-15
any Extra python-opengl 3.1.5-1 The cross platform Python binding to OpenGL and related APIs 2022-09-20
any Extra python-iniconfig 1.1.1-1 Simple parsing of INI files 2022-09-20
any Extra python-pyenchant 3.2.0-1 PyEnchant is a spellchecking library for Python based on the Enchant library 2022-09-20
any Extra tauthon-contextlib2 0.6.0.post1-1 Backport of the standard library's contextlib module to earlier Python versions 2024-01-15
any Extra python-acme 1.12.0-1 ACME protocol implementation in Python 2022-09-20
any Extra python-idna 2.10-1 Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 2022-09-20
any Extra python-mock 4.0.2-0 Mocking and Patching Library for Testing 2022-09-20
any Extra python-py3c 1.3.1-1 A Python 2/3 compatibility layer for C extensions 2022-09-20
any Extra python-httplib2 0.18.1-1 Comprehensive HTTP client library, supporting many features 2022-09-20
any Extra python-click 8.0.1-1 A simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities 2022-09-20
any Extra python-betamax 0.8.1-1 A VCR imitation for python-requests 2022-09-20
any Extra tauthon-importlib-metadata 2.1.1-1 importlib_metadata is a library to access the metadata for a Python package 2024-01-15
any Extra python-passlib 1.7.4-1 A password hashing library for Python 2022-09-20
any Extra python-mako 1.1.3-0 A super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages 2022-09-20
any Extra python-ply 3.11-1 Implementation of lex and yacc parsing tools 2022-09-20
any Extra python-future 0.18.2-1 Clean single-source support for Python 2022-09-20
any Extra python-authres 1.2.0-1 Python Authentication-Results headers generation and parsing 2022-09-20
any Extra python-commonmark 0.9.1-1 Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec 2022-09-20
any Extra python-click-default-group 1.2.2-1 Extends click.Group to invoke a command without explicit subcommand name 2022-09-20
any Extra python-docopt 0.6.2-1 Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile 2022-09-20
any Extra python-paramiko 2.7.2-1 Python module that implements the SSH2 protocol 2022-09-20
any Extra tauthon-configparser 4.0.2-3 Free software library brings the updated configparser from Python to Tauthon. 2024-01-15
any Extra python-itsdangerous 1.1.0-1 Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments 2022-09-20
any Extra python-appdirs 1.4.4-1 A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir". 2022-09-20
any Extra python-dnspython 2.0.0-1 A DNS toolkit for Python 2022-09-20
any Extra python-distutils-extra 2.39-1 Enhancements to the Python build system 2022-09-20
any Extra python-attrs 20.3.0-1 Attributes without boilerplate. 2022-09-20
any Extra python-contextlib2 0.6.0.post1-1 Backport of the standard library's contextlib module to earlier Python versions 2022-09-20
any Extra python-filelock 3.0.12-1 A platform independent file lock 2022-09-20
any Extra obmenu2 1.1-1 Openbox menu editor, written in Python and GTK+3 2022-11-18
any Extra python-platformdirs 2.2.0-1 A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir" 2022-09-20
any Extra python-cycler 0.10.0-1 Composable style cycles 2022-09-20
any Extra python-pbr 5.5.0-1 Python Build Reasonableness 2022-09-20
any Extra python-magic 0.4.20-1 A python wrapper for libmagic 2022-09-20
any Extra trashman 1.5.0-1 A command-line trash manager, written in Python. 2024-01-15
any Extra python-ndg-httpsclient 0.5.1-1 Provides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL 2022-09-20

291 matching packages found. Page 2 of 3.

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