A fully free, stable, secure, simple, lightweight and long-term support distribution

You've reached the website for Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre operating system. The Hyperbola Project is a community driven effort to provide a fully free (as in freedom) operating system that is stable, secure, simple, lightweight that tries to Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) under a Long Term Support (LTS) way.

Hyperbola is an independent, free and libre system built from scratch using the package-management from Arch GNU/Linux and especially patchsets for security from Debian providing packages that meet the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines (GNU FSDG). Packages are provided for the i686 and x86_64 architectures.

Our final goal is to provide a full new BSD descendant operating-system named HyperbolaBSD.

Our community is friendly and helpful. Please hop on IRC channel and check out our forums to get your feet wet. Also glance through our wiki if you want to learn more about Hyperbola.

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Hyperbola, the support for 32bit and Debian


Since some time now several system-projects have removed the support for systems only capable in supporting the 32bit-architecture. First to state that this is a perspective out of ignorance as not all people around the planet have access towards computer-hardware with clear support for 64bit-architecture. So those decisions leave all the people outside USA and Europe generic outside!

Hyperbola is not following this path as we do not plan to remove the support for Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre and also HyperbolaBSD. As our generic statement is the long-term stable oriented support for our system(s) we also do not want to exclude people from having a stable running operating-system.

Furthermore we also announce that we stop using patchsets from Debian beyond the version Debian 12 (Bookworm). The major reasoning for this decision is the UsrMerge, therefore the on-going transition from the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard towards a complete non standardized default. This decision makes Debian no longer attractive for Hyperbola as major target for patchset-inclusion. So we will only use the patches up until the mentioned released current stable version named Bookworm. We will freeze afterwards the patches for inclusion in our file-server and transfer them on that way. Yes, this means also that Hyperbola and Debian are going complete different directions and we will sooner or later leave the mentioned patchsets aside when we see them as not useful, depending on every software-project individual.

Hyperbola declines FSF stance regarding "machine learning"


As to be read within their statement from October 22, 2024 the FSF is considering the development of software with the focus on machine learning. Within their statement the FSF called out the difference between free and non-free implementations. Hyperbola as project is not recognizing this statement as a step forward within and in our perspective the FSF fails to recognize the tremendous consequences of that technology itself.

Likewise stated already before we cannot call any kind of software "free" when not all parts of it, including also all data, is released free and permissive licensed. The software to be ...

Living in times of technical feudalism


In the perspective of Hyperbola as project we are living in times of technical feudalism, a very dangerous development as free, libre software is part of pragmatism and misusage of people, their data and essential information. Hyperbola as project and system is opposing that for sure.

Further details:

News from Planet Hyperbola, Issue #08/2024


Hello dear interested travelers in the outer rim,

another month is now starting and therefore we take this opportunity to report what was and is going on for Hyperbola as project in the past month.

Works on HyperbolaBSD

Coadde has started the work now on porting our current versions of llvm and clang so we can finally provide the first fully working pre-alpha of HyperbolaBSD.

Works on Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre

throgh is busy with the next packages fixed, updated and added.

Website for Hyperbola

We look out for helping hands so we can further migrate the forum, wiki and issue-tracker ...

News from Planet Hyperbola, Issue #07/2024


Hello dear interested travelers in the outer rim,

another month is now starting and therefore we take this opportunity to report what was and is going on for Hyperbola as project in the past month.

Works on HyperbolaBSD

Coadde has concluded the analysis for binutils and gcc: In fact the original implementation of our HyperBK uses backported assembler-instructions. So the conclusion is making it now possible also that we review the needed code for our implementation and needed backporting. With this we have now a good base for a near first working pre-alpha version of HyperbolaBSD as full BSD-descendant operating-system ...

Older News

Hyperbola's stance on Commercialization
Hyperbola stays true for code and data generated by people for people
News from Planet Hyperbola, Issue #06/2024
Always committed to free software and the minimization of environmental damage
Donated hardware for Hyperbola
Road to v0.4.5: Removal of pacman
Milky Way v0.4.4 install medium release
Cleanup of repositories and preparation for Milky Way v0.4.4 release
Milky Way v0.4.3 install medium release
Removal of PHP

Recent Updates in White Hole Version(more)

RSS Feed
libreoffice 7.0.4-5 i686/x86_64
abiword 3.0.5-7 i686/x86_64
gcr 3.40.0-3 i686/x86_64
diffstat 1.64-2 i686/x86_64
nedit 5.7-2 i686/x86_64
opensmtpd 6.8.0p2-3 i686/x86_64
gpa 0.10.0-2 i686/x86_64
expac 10-2 i686/x86_64
dmenu 5.3-1 i686/x86_64
rep-gtk i686/x86_64
claws-mail 4.1.1-2 i686/x86_64
goffice 0.10.55-2 i686/x86_64
utox 0.18.1-4 i686/x86_64
qtpass 1.3.2-2 i686/x86_64
cups 2.3.3-6 i686/x86_64