The year 2024 is running towards its ending and Hyperbola as project has made steady progress to its next release and also forming up our own BSD-descendant operating-system HyperbolaBSD.
Nevertheless we see the need to make a statement also about issues we all should be aware off: Free, libre software needs clear principles and values. Integration of problematic and non-free defined services for examples is no point for any discussion. Also the on-going debate about "machine learning" is not really promising in its current direction.
The newer the hardware itself, the more restrictive it is and the lesser it is possible to maintain and repair parts. So 2024 was and is a clear warning about the future. As project Hyperbola has defined already what we dislike and reject, but we do not think this is enough.
Hyperbola was and is a project oriented fully on the community: Software and ideas created from the community for people, not from companies and corporations.
So we want also to underline our stance for technical emancipation, for the individual and group-oriented freedom. But all part of freedom is always part of the inclusion under democratic principles and in relation of the protection of our environment.
Our operating-system is only respecting projects under these principles. We love software free and libre licensed, with free source-code and do one thing well.
Software adding more and more "features" is not part of our perspective. To do a new job, build a fresh program rather than complicate existing ones by adding new "features".
We have specified what we dislike, but we surely like UNIX as well as free, libre software and democracy.
Since some time now several system-projects have removed the support for systems only capable in supporting the 32bit-architecture.
First to state that this is a perspective out of ignorance as not all people around the planet have access towards computer-hardware with clear support for 64bit-architecture. So those decisions leave all the people outside USA and Europe generic outside!
Hyperbola is not following this path as we do not plan to remove the support for Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre and also HyperbolaBSD. As our generic statement is the long-term stable oriented support for our system(s) we also do not want to ...
As to be read within their statement from October 22, 2024 the FSF is considering the announcement for further steps into the development of software with the focus on machine learning.
Within their statement the FSF called out the difference between free and non-free implementations. Hyperbola as project is not recognizing this current statement as a step forward within and in our perspective we hope the FSF takes into perspective the tremendous consequences of that technology itself. And we are not afraid to say that we have serious concerns about those consequences, we like to explain more into detail. Before ...
In the perspective of Hyperbola as project we are living in times of technical feudalism, a very dangerous development as free, libre software is part of pragmatism and misusage of people, their data and essential information. Hyperbola as project and system is opposing that for sure.
Further details:
Hello dear interested travelers in the outer rim,
another month is now starting and therefore we take this opportunity to report what was and is going on for Hyperbola as project in the past month.
Works on HyperbolaBSD
Coadde has started the work now on porting our current versions of llvm and clang so we can finally provide the first fully working pre-alpha of HyperbolaBSD.
Works on Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre
throgh is busy with the next packages fixed, updated and added.
Website for Hyperbola
We look out for helping hands so we can further migrate the forum, wiki and issue-tracker ...